Winter Beauty Secrets

Since December has just begun, it is time to change up our beauty regiments. In the colder months, I tweak my beauty routine from the basics like hair and skin care to the foods that I am eating. Here are a few of my tips that will help you get through winter looking and feeling amazing.

Take care of the scalp. Hair is very unruly in the wintertime, no matter what kind of hair you have because of the cold temperatures outside. Choose a shampoo that is made specifically for your hair type whether you have oily, color treated, flat hair, or etc. because all of these types require different treatment. A natural shampoo that has the least amount of chemicals is the most effective to maintain a healthy scalp and shiny locks.

Don’t forget the ends. A healthy scalp will ensure that your hair grows shiny and strong, but you shouldn’t forget about the ends either. The harsh winter winds can make your hair very dry and cause tangles so a good conditioner is a must. Apply a quarter-size amount onto the ends after shampooing, massage it in, and rinse it out. Another great product for your ends is a hair mask that is applied to the ends before shampooing. It will give extra moisture that is so essential to keep hair looking its best.

Blow dry with care. In the summer months it might be possible to run out the door with wet or at least damp hair, but in the cold weather that isn’t going to fly. When using a blow dryer you should never forget to use a good heat protecting spray. It helps to prevent any damage that heat can cause, as well as keep the hair from tangling.

Keep those lips kissable. Lip balm or lip butter is an essential product all year around but in the winter time it is a necessity, because lips become very prone to chapping and breaking. Choose natural lip products like Burt’s Bees. Another good way to keep lips soft and healthy is to apply some olive oil onto the lips and keep it on for twenty minutes or more depending on how much time you have and then wash it off. Olive oil can act as a moisturizing lip treatment to help you maintain soft lips or to help your lips if they are already affected by the cold.

Be kind to your eyes. Eyes get very dry from using the computer, reading, and watching television, but cold air and wind makes them even drier. To ease the discomfort purchase a bottle of eye drops that you can use whenever you feel the need. Drop a bottle into your purse to prevent any discomfort no matter where you are.

Eat soup. It is as simple as that. Refrain from the pre-packaged soups and make one from scratch instead to avoid any of the additives and chemical, or at least choose a canned soup with natural ingredients. Soup can be a great meal because you can have a simple broth with vegetables for a light meal, or add some meat and cheese for a more hearty option. I like soups in the winter time for two reasons; eating soup is an easy way to get extra liquids into your body because hydration is important in the winter time as well. Also, a bowl of soup keeps me warm and toasty when it’s cold outside.

Make smoothies. In wintertime, there is nothing worse than having to get up from a comfortable and warm bed and start the morning. Instead of spending time making breakfast dishes like scrambled eggs or toast, give yourself that time to sleep in and make a quick fruit smoothie instead. A smoothie is a easy and delicious way of ingesting extra vitamins. Pour the freshly made smoothie into a tumbler and you can have your breakfast on the go.

Wear socks. Colorful socks are so fun but they are a beauty essential as well because they can help you keep your feet soft and smooth all winter long. All you have to do is slather your feet with a thick lotion of choice and put on a pair of socks before bedtime. Repeat the process a few times and your feet will not only remain warm during chilly nights but your feet will be silky smooth.

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