Why Young Women Fall in Love with Old Men

We have all seen a bunch of young ladies, maybe perhaps in their early 20’s everywhere; on streets, ocean beeches and on tours with old men.Something that comes in mind is that may these old men are their grandfathers. However, the shocking reality is that they are neither their grandfathers, fathers, uncles nor even distance relative. These old men with big pot bellies are their lovers. A shocking reality indeed.

One may be tempted to ask why these young ladies behave that way. One may even be forced to curse and abuse them. These are ladies who are in full search of money. They want money, and they want it quick. The only source of that money would be an old man who has retired and has nothing to do with his money.

What remains therefore is for this ladies to come around, make them happy and in turn get the money.

They also claim young men true to be of the same age are careless and irresponsible. They say that then have no reason to live at all. They presume that falling in love with such a man is signing a certificate to poverty and finally to the grave. They have no ambition at all. Lol !
These ladies say they want a man who has an impeccable experience in bed, a man who can make them scream. In this case, the young man will not have the opportunity of getting these type of ladies. It’s only old men, those who have bedroom experience that are preferred.

The energetic young men are also erotic in bed, so demanding. They don’t delay, however, the old men are slow and sluggish in love making are viewed as the best in love making.

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