Tips to Consider Before Starting to Exercise

With obesity rates on the rise, more and more individuals have turned to exercise in the fight against weight gain. While there is no question that exercising on a regular basis can help in the treatment and prevention of obesity, certain precautions must be considered. This is especially true for individuals who have never participated in an exercise program before. Individuals who are new to exercise should consult with their physician prior to starting an exercise routine to ensure that they are healthy enough to participate in physical activity.

Exercise in Appropriate Temperatures

Working out in appropriate temperatures is important for all exercisers. While climates may vary quite dramatically from region to region, jogging, biking, or other forms of activity should take place when temperatures are cool. Exercising in extreme heat can lead to dehydration, heat stroke, and other serious conditions. Physical activity should take place during the early morning or late evening to ensure that temperatures are cool, especially during the warmer summer months. Individuals who are not able to exercise during these times, and must instead work out during the warmer parts of the day, should be sure to drink plenty of water before and after the activity. Wearing appropriate clothing, such as a hat and sunglasses, can also protect from high temperatures.

Use Proper Equipment

As with other activities, using proper equipment is essential during exercise. Depending on the type of physical activity you are participating in, the necessary equipment may vary quite a bit. With the exception of swimming, properly fitted shoes are one of the most important pieces of equipment that any exerciser can use. Shoes should be of the proper size, should support the foot, and should feel comfortable during use. Shoes that are not the right size can cause foot pain, discomfort, and even serious injury. If you have never purchased exercise shoes before, consider consulting with a physical therapist or athletic trainer. He or she may be able to provide advice about selecting appropriate shoes.

Consider Visibility

Visibility is also an important consideration for exercisers. Individuals who exercise when light levels are low should be sure to wear clothing that is light colored, reflective, or is otherwise easily observable. Wearing black, brown, or other dark colors when exercising in the dark can be extremely dangerous, as cars may have a difficult time spotting joggers or bikers. Those who must exercise in low-light levels should evaluate their route carefully to ensure its safety.

Evaluate Fitness and Ability Level

No matter what type of physical activity you are considering, you must evaluate your fitness and ability level. For example, individuals who have poor fitness level should consider walking before jogging, and jogging before running. Similarly, those who have never rode a bicycle for an extended period of time should start with only 15 minutes at a time, and gradually increase the amount of time that is spent exercising. Starting slowly, and gradually increasing time and intensity prevents injury and fatigue, and promotes overall good health.

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