The Great American Party

President Obama gave Congress a plan! Something, they kept saying, he had not done. He is coming out with budget cuts, that “he” authorized. He is working with everyone he can, to come up with as many alternatives to disaster as he can. Yet, the Tea Party and the Republicans appear to continue to say NO to everything but 2% of the entire package. Even Bill Clinton said on Meet The Press, it was going to take several years to recover and President Obama’s plan was not a bad idea.

Their strenuous rebuke of the plan would prompt the “Trillion Dollar” Question! WHY? For months, the Republicans and Tea Partiers have been hammering the President for NOT doing this or that. For not presenting a plan to them! For not being a leader! For not participating in talking to Congress, for what he wants! Democrats have complained of the same things! He has been called weak like Jimmy Carter!

So now, he stood in front of them, presented “HIS” plan, told them how to pay for it and told them he wanted it. He used ideas previously agreed to by both Republicans and Democrats. They partially agreed at the time, then did a 180. The hitch in the plan appears to be the tax breaks and perks for the rich. The Republicans don’t want to make their rich supporters angry! So now what? What happens if they don’t pass anything. The Republicans are explaining themselves by saying, the President is just using this for campaign purposes. Though as the President stated, the election is 14 months away.

America is in dire straights. Millions are out of work and need some relief from this economy. Story after story has emerged of people going to extremes to survive. Such as the folks in Lakewood, NJ who now live in a Tent City. Never, unemployed or broke or struggling so hard, these people are swallowing their pride and doing what it takes to live. Here is the link to the story:

It is blatantly apparent that in America today, the focus is not on the people who work and pay taxes and struggle, to live some version of the American Dream. Our Government, on the Conservative’s side, have abandoned America. They only want to WIN! They only want to continue to live the good life and watch the very people who built this country, with blisters on their hands, lose everything. The Republicans DO NOT CARE! They only care about themselves. They don’t care about the broke ass, Republican constituents, that follow them and still vote for them. They probably sit around and laugh about how dumb they are for continuing to support them.

Our country is no longer, Republican or Democrat or Tea Partiers! It is the Great American Party! This is America! Land of the Free…Home of the Brave! Country of some of the most strong-willed people on Earth. Home to a breed of people that joined together in hard times…became ingenious….figured out a way to make it. Just like the Tent City.

These people did not wait for a handout from our esteemed joke of a Government. They decided to figure out another way. That is what America is all about! They used PUBLIC LAND.(what a great use for it)…They set up a community…they worked together and they are surviving. In this modern world of technology and conveniences galore, these folks are operating with a generator and cooking on a communal fire source. This is like going back to the days of the Great Depression! And that is exactly what this economy feels like!

America needs to realize that we are on our own. The Republicans talk about less Government in our lives. Well, that is not news when it comes to help, unless you are rich. Then you get anything you need. So, instead of standing in a line and waiting to be treated badly, claim you right to the American Dream! Get off of your butt and figure something out! It is time to dig deeper than we have ever dug before, into our souls and our spirit. America was built with the blood, sweat and tears of many. Our forefathers clawed their way out of bad circumstances. They fought for this country! They helped each other to make it! They didn’t lay down and wait for the Government to send them a check! They didn’t rob and steal from others. They made something from nothing and worked to gain ground.

Their are 11 million illegal aliens doing jobs, Americans, supposedly won’t do! Are you one of those people? Will you let your family starve or live on the streets, because you won’t pick up a hammer or a basket to pick fruit or mop floors, or wash dishes or anything else that, supposedly we won’t do? American manufacturing has gone out the door. We need new ideas that can be done here. We need inventors to step up! The patent process is going to be changed. We need Small Business to take a leap of faith and hire a new person if they possibly can!

It is time to wake up and smell the coffee people! Our Government has said they are not going to do anything. They have too much invested into winning, to make things better now. John Boehner don’t give a crap if the Sheriff is coming to evict you tomorrow! Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor do not appear to care as well. If they raise taxes and cut the perks of the rich, they can’t get served $300 bottles of wine.

The Great American Party is every man, woman and child that gets up everyday and strives to do the right thing and tries to improve their lives every single day. They don’t sit around taking from others! They work hard, they pay their bills as good as they can, they try to raise their children to respect others and pull their own weight. President Obama’s plan was not a handout. It was an opportunity for these people to work and take care of their families. If passing it goes against what Republicans truly think is right, then we have to hope, no further, for any progress. So now the work really begins for America. The EASY ways, we have enjoyed for years now, is over. It is crunch time in America!

I pray,The Great American Party will again find the courage and strength that made us GREAT to begin with. Show the world what we are made of! Show them that this country is still strong! That we are resilient and when faced with extreme circumstances, we always rise to the occasion to pull together, get creative and make tons of lemonade.

God Bless America! God Bless our President! God Bless the ignorant and selfish Republicans/Tea Partiers, who always seem to be AGAINST progress if President Obama asked for it, and the less than rich in America!

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