The Difference in a Friend and a Best Friend

What makes a best friend? Is it the hours they spend listening and talking on the phone with you? Is it the letters and cards they send you just to say hello? There are a number of things that make a best friend and some people have more than one. A best friend is one that you can rely on no matter what. There are limits on friendships with that one true best friend meaning you can not abuse the friendship just to get what you want. You have to care for it in order to make it a lasting friendship.

You have dozens of friends or so you think. Everything is going well and you can help anyone and everyone that needs it. You are surrounded by these friends as much as is humanly possible. Then one day something goes wrong and you find yourself in need of help. You lost your job, your home is being foreclosed on and you don’t know where you next meal is coming from. You look around for those friends that you have surrounding you when everything was going so well. Guess what. You can’t find them. Instead of a dozen friends you have one that is still standing by you.

A best friend is there for you whether you’re on top of the world or at the bottom of a pit trying to claw your way out. They accept you for who you are not what they would like you to be and it doesn’t matter to them if you are rich or poor. What you can buy them or how much you can do for them have no impact on whether or not they are your friend. They will be there either way.

A best friend is one that if you need it and they have it then it is yours no questions asked. Best friends don’t keep score they are just there for you when you need them the most. It doesn’t matter where you are there is no place they wouldn’t go to help and you would do the same for them. It is not a matter of asking what they can do for you but a matter of knowing that they would do anything for you just as you would for them.

A best friend is one that you trust with all of your secrets. You know that no matter what happens or how many arguments that you have they will never use your weaknesses against you. The arguments are always forgiven and they come through every time whether you have been arguing or not.

The best friend is the one that is there not only to share your joys in life but to support you through your sorrows. They give up going out to a dinner or evening dance to sit with you as you cry over a lost love and do whatever they can to cheer you up. You are always included in the good times they have in their lives. What makes a best friend is the fact that they are there for you even when you think you don’t need anyone to be there. They know you do and refuse to leave you despite even the most masterful attempts to push them away.

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