The Acid-Alkaline Secret Diet to a Beautiful Body

The Acid/Alkaline Secret To A Beautiful Healthy Body
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By Don White

September 19, 2011
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Acid-Alkaline Diet and The Foods That Will
Make You Healthy

Windermere, FL–Long ago my registered nurse wife decided we should eat and live healthy. She had studied nursing, receiving her four-year registered nurse degree . More important than that, she had worked in a hospital setting as a floor nurse and later head nurse of a wing of a hospital and had observed people..

She studied unhealthy people and their habits. She discovered that healthy people keep their Ph in balance, and I’m not talking about their doctor’s degree, but their balance between acidity and alkalinity. They do something to eliminate their cravings.

The book I want you to consider buying will reveal those secrets of healthy living. It does more–it sets up for you a diet, taking into account your body alkalinity and acid requirements and current status. This is a reference book you Must have! If you expect to maintain a healthy body, one trim and in top shape for a lifetime. One you will never want to trash or delete. It’s the Bible of good health, as far as I’m concerned.

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We’ve been married 46 years. Together, we have lived very healthy lives, mostly banning doctors from our lives. In fact, instead of going to the doctor with every sniffle and malaise, we check our Ph. You can do this by going to the local grocery or drug store and picking up a relatively simple and inexpensive Ph checker. It’s called litmus paper, for those of you who did not take chemistry in high school. It rolls up in a small plastic case for your convenience. Click on the link below to purchase this remarkable reference book:

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Here’s how it works. You tear off an inch or so of the tape and douse it with urine. On the circular dispenser there will be a gauge, telling you if you are acid or alkaline. Acid people show up with almost no color on the tape. A healthy person is somewhere in between being acid and alkaline–with a dark brown color tape. A 5.5 is healthy, all the way to 7 or 8 or more alkaline. The book gives you healthy foods–foods that will give your body more alkalinity or acid, if that is your circumstance.

Since most bodies–including my wife’s and mine–over time adjust upward toward acid more times than not. Everyone’s different. But when that’s the case, the tape shows just a small hint of color–and may even be white. That’s when you need something to make your body more alkaline. One of the first things is to stop the intake of sweets. The book makes many additional recommendations, things that act fast to better your condition and help keep you healthy.

Before you take my word for it, I suggest you study this yourself. This digitel book was published for people like you and me, centering on diets, both Acid and Alkaline, and you need to get it, download it, print it out (some or all) study it, and keep it nearby on the computer or on the shelf to refer to.

I’m 75 years of age and still swim and walk several times each wee following these ideas.. Now and then I do sit-ups, squats, and push-ups to tighten the midsection, and stretching of the legs and knees.. Yes, I have to refer back to medical stuff all the time. And, yes, I watch my Ph. If I feel sick, or my nose starts running, I immediately check the book and maybe the alkalinity. The book tells you how to do it for most accurate results. Generally, I can get back on track quickly by a modest adjustment.

The book goes into all of this. It also talks about how you can stay thin.

I consider myself thin, albeit there is some flab around the stomach. I certainly don’t stick out like a pregnant woman that so many men my age start to look like. I can still wear most of the clothing I wore 15 years ago. You want all the secrets to this great way to stay thin and healthy? Buy the book. It will be one of the best investment in your health you ever made. Click the link below:

Click Here!

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