Simple Ways to Cut Your Winter Heating Bill

Here are some simple ways to cut your winter heating bill that won’t cost a lot of money. While new windows and ceiling insulation will help to cut your energy bill, if you are barely getting by it is unlikely you can afford these costly improvements. However, by spending only a few minutes of time and a few dollars, you can improve your home’s energy efficiency and save money on your winter heating bill.

Stop Drafts

Drafts around doors, windows and other openings allow cold air in and drive up your winter heating bill. Insulating strips can be used around doors and windows, but a rolled up towel under the door and plastic sheeting taped over the windows will also help. Make certain that all windows are fully closed and locked, the locks will help to hold the window shut. Use spray foam or caulking to fill other holes in walls, floors and ceilings such as the openings around drain pipes and electrical outlets. You can also add inexpensive foam insulating pads behind your electrical outlet plates to help seal and insulate the outlets.

Check Your Ducts

The duct work that carries warm air to your home from the furnace can develop leaks that cause warm air to escape into the crawlspace, basement, walls or attic of your home. With the furnace running, use your hand to feel all the exposed joint of the ducts for leaks. If you find leaks, use duct tape to seal the leaks. Do not use standard duct tape, but rather duct tape designed specifically for use on warm air ducts. Before applying the tape, clean the exterior of the duct to help the tape stick properly.


Lower your thermostat at night and while you are away from home for long periods of time. You can also purchase a programmable thermostat that you can set to different temperatures at different times. Adjustable thermostats are fairly inexpensive and you can install it yourself, but simply making the adjustments on your manual thermostat will also save money.

Change Your Furnace Filter

Not only will changing your furnace filter (or cleaning it in the case of a reusable filter) help to extend the life of your furnace, but keeping a clean filter in your furnace will help the furnace to work more efficiently and use less energy. Having your furnace professionally cleaned and inspected will cost more than a filter, but can help you to avoid problems in the future.

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