Simple is Best

This article was to be entitled, “Ten things you can do with your kids on winter break.” After some thought, I figured new toys and electronics and arguments about the toys and electronics would take up most of the time at home.

I was actually going to suggest a paper mache craft and making a You Tube video with the kids. And, I would not suggest anything I have not done or be willing to do. However, my son has made it clear that he does not want me in his videos – what 13-year-old would? We’ve also had to spend several weeks once before down on our hands and knees scrubbing the combination of salt, flour and water out of the black area rug.

So after some thought, I revised my ideas. I decided that what we need are fewer activities -mostly because we are tired. On the last day of school, we did what we always do with our downtime: we watched television.

My son tore through the house, playing as usual until his energy was dissipated. The television watched him as he fell asleep.

My 20-year-old autistic daughter watched “Friends” in her room while bouncing on the yoga ball and I watched “Chopped” in my room while sitting absolutely still.

We rested ourselves from the holiday season, from school, the grind of responsibilities and each other. It was quiet in our home.

Later, I popped out to the corner store/gas station and bought some mini ice cream sandwiches for whenever-time treats. They were .35 cents apiece. Ice cream makes kids happy. Sometimes simple is best.

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