Ron Paul Wins

In an otherwise uneventful Republican Presidential Primary season, one candidate has spurred excitement and enthusiasm among young disenchanted voters across the country. Whether or not the Republican Congressman from Texas, Dr. Ron Paul, actually goes on to capture the Republican nomination is actually secondary to the victory he has already achieved. In a much more significant sense, Ron Paul has achieved success by captivating the attention and winning over the hearts and minds of voting blocs that will decide our future leaders in Government.

Following an incompetent Bush administration that disappointed fiscal conservatives with a record of bank bailouts, a Medicaid prescription drug expansion bill, and intrusive No Child Left Behind Act, Democrats were given a chance to embrace a progressive ideology in President Obama’s vision for hope and change and attempt to draw a stark contrast to the policies of the Bush Administration. After all, following years of imperialistic, neo-conservative, and big government policies promoted by the Bush Administration, young voters were eager to welcome and rally around a messenger who could so eloquently articulate a message of global peace and prosperity and restoring our standing in the global community.

Unfortunately, by expanding the Patriot Act and supporting the same policies that unraveled our civil liberties in the first place, young voters were left without much hope and change. In the midst of an ever expanding government, more pre-emptive wars overseas and a continuation of the same foreign policy, Ron Paul has now emerged as the candidate who can likely be viewed as the agent of change. Because the message of liberty espouses limited government across the board, this message has brought in both Democrats and Republicans.

It is no doubt that Ron Paul’s views have infiltrated the mainstream of American political thought and challenged establishment ideology. Such a message could not have been disseminated at a more opportune time. Now begs the question as to which party will work the hardest to accommodate Ron Paul’s views on preserving a free society based on libertarian principles in order to gain the White House and win back Congress this election.

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