Our First Six Weeks of Home School

I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. It all started last March when I filled out an application for my then 1st grader to attend the K12 Florida Virtual School. I had played with the idea of home school in my head before but when I got that email last March something just hit me that now was the time.

The schools in my state are in serious trouble just like every where else. They are under funded, they teach for a test day in and day out and there is a war going on against the teachers who are supposed to educate my child. I can tell you when I first had my daughter I never thought I would be home schooling her one day. I am lucky enough that I get to work at home so I felt like I had an opportunity that other parents did not and to squander it would be wasteful.

So I applied for the virtual school and waited to hear back. I enrolled my daughter in her regular school too just in case I chickened out at the last minute I would be covered. August rolled around and it was decision time the day came when I was faced with going down to the county and getting the paperwork to transfer her to the virtual school. We went down there and did what we had to do but I think both of us were a little unsure about what all this would really mean.

Once I got set up with the home school program and got access to their systems I started watching all the videos. I signed up for all the training programs they offered and started to think what have I got myself into? It was overwhelming to say the least. At my daughter’s level in 2nd grade the learning coach (me) has to be there hands on every step of the way.

I realized I had agreed to take this on plus I have to work 6-8 hours a day plus do all the regular mom stuff like cooking, cleaning and every once in a while I probably should even sleep. I was overwhelmed but eventually the first day of school arrived and 7 boxes were delivered to my doorstop filled with learning materials and books.

My daughter was excited to see all the stuff she found in there. I have to say they really do give you everything you need to get through the year. We had text books, reading books, science tools and art supplies. For the first 2 weeks we worked out of these boxes until I made time to create an area on a shelf for all the supplies. Having to dig through them all before finding what we needed which was always in the last box checked.

So we started doing the lessons. The first week was pretty good we only had a couple days of classes and it was new so it was exciting. The second week was a little downhill with my daughter rebelling and not taking it serious. Week 3 out of nowhere my bright and shiny little 7 year old girl turned into a 16 moody unhappy teenager.

She was miserable. She wanted to go to the regular school with her friends. She hated this school it was stupid and everything about it was wrong. I hurt for her because while I know I am trying to give her something better I know she just wants to be “normal.” I didn’t really respond to it for a few days because I was so taken back by her attitude. We continued our lessons with contention.

Finally I knew it was time to address it and just break down the facts of life for her a little bit. So after we finished up our work on Friday afternoon I sat down to chat with her. I told her that I knew this was a big change but we had to get to the other side. I explained that no matter how bad her attitude I wouldn’t be giving up and rushing down to put her back in the school. So we could either do it and be happy or we could do it and be miserable but either way we would be doing it.

I also reminded her of the fact that in just a few weeks’ time soccer and girl scouts would be starting and she would be out playing with kids. I also put an incentive program in place. Every day she gets a color red, yellow or green and depending on how she does she gets a coupon for something each week.

I allowed her to create a list of things she might like coupons for although I only promised I would look and see her choices not necessarily make those the choices. This has been enough to get her excited about doing well. The prizes are not significant most cost only a few dollars or don’t cost anything such as your pick for dinner but they do motivate her.

I am proud to say that we are now in our 6th week of school and it is pretty much smooth sailing. We wake up early and do Math and English then she gets a break for a few hours until lunch. After lunch we finish up whatever subjects we have left for the day. We have a staggered schedule throughout the week that rotates Art, Science and History.

We are both enjoying it now and because I know exactly what she is learning about we can explore real world examples now to add depth to her learning. There have been many times in the last six weeks when I thought I might not get through it, but I did and I am. As is true with most things with my daughter I have been pushed to my limits and been given a chance to see how strong I am and am a better person because of it.

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