Mom and Dad I Am Pregnant!

Baily quietly reaches for her denim purse that lay near the easy chair of her sleeping husband. Kissing his forehead, and whispering a quiet goodbye, she begins her night of dread. Once again she would get in her beat up little car and head to her dead end job at the far side of town. She would fight off the drunkards that would without thought, try to touch, grope, and make her feel less than a human being. No longer does she believe in happy ever after’s, and her heart no longer dreams. Baily is in a dark place, that appears to have no open door. The face of her baby girl is the only thing that keeps her going.

Danny works a construction job that takes him out into the harsh winter cold. His hands are rough, and his body is tired from the long hours he puts in. He would work longer and harder if given the chance. He is a young father and husband, which wants to give the world to his wife and baby girl. His spirit is tired, and he feels he has hit a brick wall. He wonders will things ever get better. Their baby lies sleeping in the crib, unaware of the reality of her parent’s world.

With one hard slap, Baily snaps, hitting the young buck who has made his final pass for the night. Laughter fills the bar, and tears fill her eyes. She unties her apron throwing it at the bartender, and walks out of the smoke filled room. Sitting in her car, she counts the tips that she has stuffed in her pocket. A mere twenty dollars is all she has acquired, but will buy diapers and a can of formula. Putting her head on the steering wheel, she offers a prayer for help. She realizes it has been years since she prayed, wondering if God will think less of her for getting pregnant, running away, and marrying so young. Going against her parents strict religious beliefs, she feels as if she has failed. Baily sleeps in the car, not wanting her husband to know she has walked out on her job. She enters the house, as he is getting ready for work. It is 5 am. He kisses her goodbye, and she has a chance to sleep for a couple hours before the baby wakes, if she is so lucky.

Danny once again faces the verbal abuse of his boss. Hardnosed and cold, he pushes Danny, wanting him to quit. Mr. Levine has hired too many workers. He wants to make it hard on Danny, so he will walk out on the job. Danny is determined not to let him get the best of him. The baby was up during the night, and working on only a few hours’ sleep, he snaps, as Mr. Levine spews his last curse word his way. Danny takes off his tool belt, looks Mr. Levine in the eyes, and says he quits, leaving Mr. Levine standing on the construction site, grinning an ever so evil smile. Danny drives to the nearest park, and sits under a tree. He thinks about his football scholarship that he gave up so he could take care of his baby and bride. Coming from prominent family, appearances was everything to his family. Rather than facing their disappointment and anger, he leaves home without an explanation. They have not heard from Danny in a year. He lies back in the grass and looks up to the sky. Danny offers up a prayer but does not have any idea who or what he is praying too. He gets in his beat up truck and heads home.

Baily meets Danny at the door and almost in unison, they both offer up their explanations. Realizing both have given up their jobs, they sit down on the couch, while nervous laughter pours out of their hearts. Baily is holding the baby, who is looking up at both of them, smiling. Gracie, their beautiful baby makes them feel as if they are holding a million dollars.

Suddenly, a knock is at the door, both surprised, as they never get visitors. It is Danny’s father. He has learned of Danny and Baily’s whereabouts. He wants to speak with his son. He looks at Gracie, which offers her grandfather an award-winning smile. Now it all makes sense. The leaving home begins to come together in his father’s mind. Sitting down and explaining the year’s events, Danny’s father offers for them to come home with him. Was this an answer to prayer for two young people, who in their hearts tried to do the right thing? Was it a divine intervention? Was it luck?

Danny and Baily celebrate their 25th anniversary. They think back on their first year of marriage and can only be in awe. They remember the simple prayer they offered in desperation. Danny went back to school and received his degree in pharmacology. Baily, went back to school for nursing. If not for the love of Danny’s parents, they may have never succeeded or been given a second chance. Baily’s religious parents continued to hold on to their cold, unfeeling religion, never seeing beyond their callous hearts. They missed the true meaning of love and forgiveness. They also missed the love of a daughter, and a beautiful granddaughter. An unplanned pregnancy happened; surely is not the end of the world. Gracie looks out into the crowd, as she gives her acceptance speech. Gracie will now serve as the first woman President. Looking at her parents, who now stand so proudly arm in arm, she offers these words.

“If not for my two parents, and my grandparents, I would not be standing here today. They taught me to not give up when the chips are down, they encouraged me to be the best person I could be, and they taught me more than anything… that family is everything.”
Danny and Baily know all about saving Grace.

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