Menopause Insomnia – is it Possible to Get a Good Night’s Sleep?

Have faith, there’s an easy technique that works, and you don’t need a second mortgage on your home to pay for it; I’m sure this will help you find those much needed zzz’s. This tip is my number one recommendation for Boomer women insomniacs! It’s helped me and many of my fellow Boomers fall off into blissful sleep.

Brahmari Breath is a Yogic breathing practice that calms your mind, relieves anxiety, lowers your blood pressure, and can help put your brain into “sleep mode”. How’s that for multitasking!

Brahmari breath works by creating a vibration in the brain, specifically in the pituitary gland. The pituitary releases endorphins into the body and endorphins not only make us feel good, they also reduce harmful levels of stress hormones like cortisol. The pituitary gland is located above the roof of the mouth and directly between the ears at the very center of the skull, so the combination of blocking your ears, while humming your exhale, results in this vibration. You may feel a little silly at first, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results!

Begin by sitting comfortably, relaxing your shoulders, and lengthening your spine all the way up through the neck. Next, raise your hands and place your pointer fingers or thumbs over the flaps which you can press to close off your ears when exhaling. Rest your tongue gently against the roof of your mouth with teeth slightly apart but lips closed (to avoid tensing your jaw). Close your eyes, inhale deeply, then, keeping your mouth closed, exhale through your nose, making a humming noise while blocking off your ears by pressing the little flaps closed. Closing off your ears so the humming is heard inside the head is important. Try to make your humming exhale as long as possible and take deep inhalations between breaths. Making the exhale longer and longer each time, complete at least five rounds (5 complete inhalations and exhalations). If you practice this before bed, you’ll enjoy a more restful sleep. Practicing this for three minutes several times a day can significantly lower your blood pressure. (My technique was tested, with good results, by Sharon Glassman of the Huffington Post, with a group of brilliant, compassionate and typically sleep-challenged professional women. Check it out at:

Best of Health,


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