Masked Pumpkins

Yeah, it’s fun to see the various jack-o-lanterns and other creations that expert carvers come up with each Halloween. These experts can turn an ordinary pumpkin into anything from Cinderella’s coach, to a flaming motorcycle, to a seascape. Even people who aren’t that skilled can still make jack-o-lanterns and other pumpkin creations. But what about those people who aren’t that skilled? People who just can’t seem to wield a knife in a way that can turn a pumpkin into anything recognizable. What options do they have? Well, lots of jack-o-lanterns and other pumpkin images are done by people who don’t carve; people who just draw well. Again, what if you’re not that skilled? Okay, let’s get to the point. You don’t need much talent at all to make a nice Halloween pumpkin with real character. Just use a mask.

Different pumpkins can wear different types of masks and, with the mask, you can create a character pumpkin with no talent whatsoever. If you can slide a mask onto a pumpkin you’ve almost finished it. Look around at a party store, or place which sells masks, and choose one for your particular pumpkin.

A mask which has a simple, stretchy cord works well for pumpkins of some sizes but not well for huge or really small pumpkins. You can use a mask which slips over a person’s head, instead, if your pumpkin is of the right size. These masks often feature hair, scars, and other characteristics. Another choice is to make a simple mask. Cut one from paper or just fold a bandana and cut two holes in it.

Party stores feature masks which may or may not necessarily be for Halloween but will make the most adorable pumpkins. Slide on a monkey mask, tiger mask, or even a jack-o-lantern mask. Other things which you can use from the same store to make the design you want include a paper pirate hat, a pointed cone birthday hat, or another hat. Even feathers can be inserted into the top of the pumpkin to make an interesting design.

In addition to a mask, and depending upon the type of mask it is, you might also want to draw on a mouth, ears, or other features, with a marker. Group a bunch of silly pumpkins together and watch the Halloween smiles. Set the pumpkins inside to make a centerpiece, outdoors to get noticed, or just align them on a porch railing. They’re fun to make but don’t take any particular skills to create.

Mask Pumpkins from Country Living

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