Love of the Universe in the Song by Santana and “Super Life Secret Codes,” by Author Great Sun

Much is spoken and written about love between one person and another. However, when it comes to loving the Universe, and to love of the Universe, where do we turn for answers? Where do we find a description of such a love relationship? One place is the song all the love of the Universe by Santana.

While the song and lyrics might at first read appear disjointed, we can at least reasonably assume that Santana has filled the song lyrics with thoughts and images that are appropriate to the song’s theme and title “Love of the Universe.” The songwriter’s lyric selections are both provocative and challenging, and figuring out how they relate to love of the Universe is a mind opening experience.

Santana presents five themes or we might say descriptive qualifiers about the state of experiencing love of the Universe: newness, purification, unification, living in the now, and dependency on the other. All five concepts, relate to processes that lift the individual out of his self centered, independent staid, placid existence and put him in touch with the ever changing flow of universal life that cleanses the body and soul and opens up relationship with the other. Therefore, five events take place, corresponding to Santana’s five themes. When experiencing the love of the Universe, the individual opens up to new thoughts, washed from within by the influx of the new he experiences physical and mental purification, he experiences a process that throws him into relationship with others, he lets go of memories of the past and thoughts of the future and lives in the now, and he feels comfortable depending on others for help, because, that is part of what it means to receive love from the Universe.

Great Sun, author of the Viking Book Super Life Secret Codes, also talks about connecting to the Universe and feeling the love of the Universe. In his Viking release “Super Life Secret Codes,” he describes how he was opened up to the love of the Universe, and incredibly, his experience bears many similarities to themes in Santana’s song.

In 2005, Great Sun had a series of meetings with a mystic “Friend G.” Friend G. was a person who was adept in the alchemy of human personality. He helped people that came to him, return to family relationships, careers, and the satisfaction that comes from successfully relating to others. At the same time, he helped people open up to the Universe. Visitors to his evening talks were encouraged to engage in exercises that would enable them to communicate with the Universe. At times they would stand together and look at the moon. Friend G. opened up their sense of spatial orientation, challenging them to guess their north south position without any external clues. He asked them to listen to the language of the Universe.

After attending many of these talks, Great Sun, was told by the author to stop attending the meetings. He had learned all he could, Friend G. told him, if he had any more questions, he must ask the Universe directly. In this way, the author came into an abiding relationship with the Universe. Examining Great Sun’s experience we can see that he was exposed to a cleansing influx of new ideas. He and the other’s who attended the talks were put into abiding relationship with others. Through the exercises with the moon attendees were asked to abandon thoughts of the past and future and experience the cosmic flow in the now. And throughout the experience with Friend G, all participants felt comfortable receiving a helping hand.

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