Local Focus: Attitude for Gratitude of What We Have…Thanksgiving

Local festivals are in order across the nation; this time of year is filled with such celebrations, one after the other. This week will be Thanksgiving, said to have been started by the first European settlers as a way of giving thanks for all they received. They acted cooperatively with each other and the Native Americans to make it through the first winter and were getting ready for the second. Today we have much more; even with the hard economic times around us we have built up on the past and made more. Our resources are then more sufficient, as are our abilities to recover any losses. This festival is still celebrated and should be the means to offer gratitude for the things we have around us. Giving thanks and play fun games offers this by letting lose of the desires for more things. The resources we have gathered, given or laid claim to will be important in the coming year. None of us make our lives all alone, our relationships are not what make us better off, the grace of others to take time to offer help should be remembered. Reflection upon all we have gained and where we intend to go from here will clear the mind and clean our thoughts.

This time of year marks the coming of winter, in ancient times people would have worked all year long just to make it through the winter. The celebrations and feast would have brought communities together so all members could be accounted for and gratitude gained. Together they would have shared laughter and songs to brighten up a world they saw going grey. This merriment was important in warming the heart and soul, keeping alive the will and desires each had through the colder months ahead. This spark of life drove our ancestors to keep going, not to give in to despair as winter times often cause today.

In modern times we often forget this, what we feel is put aside to do things we think are more important. The world around us can be overwhelming at times; we forget to remember how much grace we have gained from others. Throughout the year we have acted and so have others in our lives, offering support as needed. The grace of friends and family to be there for nothing more than the love of another, to help because another needs support aids the entire community. Alone we can not survive very long; humans are creatures of society developed this way over the years for shear survival.

We all should pause than; taking time to count those around us and the things they have done or offered for us during the year. Actions responding and respectfully showing our gratitude to support others gave to our lives and dreams. All though we may think our hard work and long hours is all we need; the reality is that without others to support us none of us can do much at all. To have something to show in the end, we first need something to start with to build upon. These others have given us, remembering and show respect for them will aid our souls and warm the dreams we have to life all winter long.

This time is not for us to squander away, but to give to others this grace and share what helped us with those who may need it as well. To share with others will time our lives in step with the society around, to show our care for the community. Together we live, or together we die but we have to make choices as well. Choose than who you want to be with, what you accept and let those important people know they are not forgotten. Show them the gratitude and respect they have offered through the years is still alive and can be returned. A form of investment in social media and business which today we understand has such profound effect on developing our lives.

Contact: Michael Pulse [email protected] Author of: The Truth of Things

Website: www.truth-things.biz CEO of Stone Rose LLC.

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