Let’s Get Cheeky. How to Get a Smooth Derriere!

OK, ladies…I’m about to change your world. We all want nothing less than a smooth, dimple-free backside and would give our eye teeth for it! Dimples on the face are cute…but on our other cheeks…mmm, not so much. It’s hard to believe that cellulite plagues 90% of women (and 10% of men…go figure). But not to worry. If you’ve got five minutes, $5 bucks, and a firm grip, your bum is on the road to smooth city. Run, don’t walk, and get yourself a body brush.

A Brush For My Backside?!?
Yep, that’s right. By vigorously “brushing” the areas you want to be smoother (tush, thighs) you’re essentially “waking up” or stimulating and speeding up the lymph system…pummeling those fat pockets! The key is to do it “dry”…so, before you jump in the shower, take your body brush and vigorously brush your problem areas in a circular motion! You can find a body brush just about anywhere…Target, Wal-mart, Ulta, Amazon – for somewhere in the neighborhood of $5 to $10 bucks. (I prefer one that has slightly firmer bristles versus super soft bristles).

How Often Should I Brush?
For real results, commit to at least once every other day (once a day is best). I know, I know…you’re thinking: ugh…one more beauty to-do?!? I know schedules are tight, but it only adds another five minutes onto your pre-shower routine and if it lends itself to a smoother gluteus maximus, it’s worth the time! I’ve personally been dry-brushing for about two months now and have noticed a total transformation in both smoothness and less dimpling. At this rate, I’ll be ready to sport those Marc Jacob “hot pants” shorts on my gotta-have-‘em wish list.

So, summon your inner Karate Kid (think wax on, wax off) and don’t be afraid to put some elbow grease into it, ladies. You will see a smoother rump in no time! Happy brushing…

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