Home Remedies for Sprained Ankle Healing

Ankle pain, of any type, can be debilitating and lead to a life of chronic and progressive immobility. If you suffer from chronic ankle pain, it is important to become familiar with the traditional methods of healing but to also familiarize yourself with the home remedies for sprained ankle healing.

As with any form of orthopedic health complication, it is important to always find a physician that can diagnose your health complication and confirm that you are suffering from the ailment. Once you have confirmed the complication is a sprained ankle, and not a fracture or break in the foot bone, then you’ll need to continue traditional medicine but also the home remedies to be used.

Ice packs are the key essential to a home remedy for a sprained ankle. Keeping the ankle elevated and then rotating ice packs, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, will work to minimize swelling and reduce pain. Each day, the ankle should be elevated for three hours, at a level that is higher than your heart. This will keep blood flow minimized to the region. After day one, the home remedies will be changed slightly.

Boosting your immune response beyond day one of treatment will be vital to applying a home remedy for your sprained ankle. Beyond day 1, the use of ice packs is typically not recommended. Instead, place a teaspoon of sweet marjoram essential oil into a tub of hot water and soak the ankle for 30 seconds. Remove the ankle, for 30 seconds and then place it back into the hot water. Continue this process for 10 minutes and also continue to this treatment for 3-4 days. For most patients, this shock therapy will heal an ankle sprain rather quickly.

Using home remedies, many common ailments can be cured with little to no out-of-pocket expense. If you are suffering from pain in your ankle attributed to a sprain, be sure to consider these healing options using home remedies as directed by your family practitioner.

Sources: The Official Patient’s Sourcebook on Ankle Sprains and Strains, by James Parker

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