Home Grown Facials : Moisturize

We often find ourselves battling to keep skin looking and feeling young and healthy. One of the most difficult and often costly goals for our skin can be finding the right treatments which will keep our skin looking and feeling soft without becoming dried and flaky. It can often become a daunting task which does more to deplete our pocketbooks than than treat our skin.

Moisturizers are used to combat the effects of cleansing as well as environmental factors such as dry cold winters and sun damage. These factors can strip the skin of naturally occurring moisturizing oils. Luckily we can help to heal this damage by using natural ingredients which will help to reintroduce the moisturizing elements skin loses.

By making use of items you can find in the grocery store you can replenish your skin while avoiding the high cost of over the counter products. You can also help to lower the frequency of exposure to chemicals often present in the name brand products popular today.


By including yogurt into your regular skin care regimen you will not only begin to undo the drying damage to your skin but you also help to soften the skin as well. Yogurt is also helpful in bleaching and evening out the skin tone to give your face a more even look. It contains enzymes which aid in the exfoliation process. This will ultimately leave your skin soft, clean and bright after a treatment.


Another often overlooked naturally occurring moisturizer is the Avocado. Much like yogurt it has the ability to help soften and moisturize damaged skin. It also has the added benefit of vitamin E and naturally occurring oils which also help to essentially feed your skin and help to keep it healthy well after your facial is over.

Mask For Dry Skin

A truly effective mask made using these two ingredients includes one ripe pureed avocado. To that is added four teaspoons of yogurt. By applying this mixture directly to dry clean skin and leaving it on for 30 minutes you give your skin the time needed to absorb the valuable nutrients and oils required to maintain optimal skin health. When 30 minutes has passed simply rinse with warm water and pat skin dry to reveal softer and smoother skin.

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