Gross Kid’s Games for Christmas

As a mom of two boys, one of them a teenager, I have found that the grosser a toy or game is, the more the kids like it. Maybe it’s the shock factor, or the simple idea that something is a bit ‘taboo’ that makes gross games exciting. Whatever the reason, kids make these gross kid’s games some of the best selling toys. Parents don’t understand the allure of these strange and twisted gifts, but we buy them anyway. Get yours before they’re gone. If you dare. 

Doggie Doo

The name of the Doggie Doo game pretty much says it all. It is a dog that poops. Believe it or not, Amazon reports that this is the # 1 selling game in Germany. It’s currently in stock on Amazon, so if you want it, you better buy it quick. Will it be one of the best selling toys in America this year? You be the judge!

The Doggie Doo game features a plastic Dachshund that is attached to a leash. Children feed him clay and roll a dice. The number that appears on the dice indicates how many times the leash should be pulled. As the leash is pulled, it pushes the clay through the pup’s system and eventually makes him – poop. Kids then pick up the mess. Whichever child picks up the most, is the winner.

Totally Gross The Game

With a title like this, you don’t really know what to expect. But, according to the consumers on Amazon, parents absolutely love the combination of education and grossness found in the game Totally Gross. It’s so good, in fact, it was the winner of the iParenting Media Award.

The game includes over 200 science related questions and activities, many of which pertain to bodily function. Children revel in learning strange facts about boogers, vomit, ear wax, and other gross topics. Included with the game are gross game cards that prompt kids to try totally gross dares, or perform science experiments that are not for the faint of heart.

Gassy Gus

Gus is ready to eat, and it’s the players job to feed him foods that will fill him up with air, leading to a big gassy blow out. Players are dealt food and soda cards that feature delectable delights like tacos, burritos, nachos, broccoli, and other gas-enhancing treats. Each card features a number, which indicates how many times the player pumps up Gus’s head. (The head is attached to a balloon, that is hidden out of sight).

As the balloon is pumped, Gus’s belly inflates. The excitement of the game is waiting for Gus to pass gas. The first person to feed Gus all their cards, without causing him to ‘blow’, is the winner.

Doctor Dreadful Zombie Lab

This game is not for anyone with a weak stomach! Doctor Dreadful has created a lot of twisted gifts for young boys, but his Zombie Lab takes the cake. Children use a decaying zombie head to create disgusting bubbling brains, edible bugs, brain barf, and other repulsive concoctions, all of which are 100% edible. Comes with real puking action that boys love.

If your kids love the Zombie Lab, look for these other twisted gift ideas by Doctor Dreadful:

Doctor Dreadful Stomach Churner Doctor Dreadful Scab N’ Guts Game Doctor Dreadful Gummy Bugs


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Strange Foods that Come in a Can

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