Five Tips for Staying Green This Winter

Winter is the toughest season for those of us trying to maintain a green lifestyle. The sunlight is scarce; the plants are gone; and it is uncomfortably cold. There is an overwhelming temptation to just turn up the heat and be done with it! However, you can handle the winter weather and stay eco-friendly at the same time, and it isn’t as difficult or expensive as you may think. Below are five tips for staying green this winter.

1. Shovel snow or use electric snow blowers: If you can shovel the snow, do it. You’ll be getting a workout, increasing your body heat, and saving energy at the same time. If you need to use a snow blower or other yard maintenance tool, however, then opt for electricity. While both electric and gas powered snow blowers use energy, the electric doesn’t give off additional harmful green house gasses.

2. Use earth friendly deicers: Alfalfa meal (available at most nurseries) safely melts ice and provides traction. It is considered one of the greenest deicers. Also, while it doesn’t actually melt the ice, sand can be used to provide better traction. If you can’t get by with either of these, try a magnesium chloride deicer instead of calcium chloride or rock salt. It is less corrosive and better for the plants.

3. Let in the sunshine: Open the curtains on the windows that receive the most sunlight. This way you’ll be letting warmth into your home for free. Also, consider covering windows that will receive very little to no sunlight all winter to better insulate the rooms. Remember to pull the curtains down at night to trap in the heat.

4. Stop the drafts: You can unnecessarily lose a bunch of heat by having poorly insulated doors and windows. Seal them with caulk or weather stripping to better trap in the warmth and save on your electric bills. It’s a very tiny investment for the benefits you’ll get.

5. Turn down the heat and bundle up: Keeping your thermostat set in high 60 degree range will save you a bundle. It may be uncomfortable at first, but by wearing warm enough clothing and covering up with blankets, you’ll likely find it’s not so bad. If you choose to warm up by sipping hot soup, cocoa, or by cuddling close to a loved one or pet, you may even grow to enjoy the drop in temperature. More from this contributor:

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