Defining the Rhyme of Christmas

Christmas spirit is defined by years of gift giving, mistletoe and festive cheer to go with the snow that is falling, the ice that is calling, and the signs of holiday gear. Christmas imagination does not come in one night. It doesn’t feel like a lightning bolt strike. It appears the first time it’s Norman Rockwell clear with a dash of Santa Claus, a sleigh with reindeer. But it is much more, for many do know, that Christmas spirit does not come in a box wrapped up with a bow.

Christmas by definition has more than meets the eye. Birth of Jesus lives on as Christmas has “Christ.” But as weeks turn to days, a day turns to night, to fall in love with this holiday takes a little Christmas time.

Frozen December lake with risks never stopped a boy holding a stick and rock too. Metal to ice, the skates fit him nice as the straps covered his shoes. They would gather in packs to skate figure 8’s or whip-it across the ice. Hockey games going, come sun or while snowing, even with bonfires and spotlit nights. The shivers are plenty that leads towards the goal of defrosting cold skin. Passing a home displaying window candles warms the Christmas spirit within.

Snowballs on the bottoms of pants, fingers of numb thriving as knuckles may pop. Peeling off layers and layers of socks. The endless strip down doesn’t seem to stop. Until finally sitting next to the fireplace enjoying a warm drink while admiring the colorful Christmas tree flashing in sync with an angel placed on the top. A thick blanket helps slow the heart. Get some Christmas rest. By the time the boy awakens he’s feeling his best. Times that by a number, perhaps 3 or 4, and Christmas for lovers turns forevermore.

Christmas carols from door to door before attending the Christmas ball. Greenery flowing from rafter to rafter with mistletoe and holly lining the hall. Gown touches his shoe while they dance to forget that her hand exchanges from one man to the next. Foot stomping, hands clapping, a cup for a toast as such merry in kind marks a tradition for most. Fireplace brewing, tables all set for the feast from a cook’s heartfelt chest of holiday meats. Dinner is over and the belly is full to the bone. By horses and carriage the boy travels home. And finding that fire to lay in front of, again, surely helps to defrost his ice cold skin. Chestnuts simmer near the flame’s brilliant light. It doesn’t take long to wish all a good night.

A tradition of dust, stone walls, clinging chains would define a Christmas Carol from the 1840’s range. For is it not the very story mocking the rich with poor undertone or is it a true classic measuring the spirit one owns? Is it about giving the needy visions of spreading the wealth or does it give the greedy a chance to praise themselves? A Christmas Carol is more than a tale between two thought patterns of an old man’s lines. Give or take, take and give at Christmas time.

Children dodging the rush of busy streets while trying to catch the latest toy in the window display. Hoping the parents see it, approve to retrieve it. Boxed, bowed and wrapped up for Christmas Day. But it is not the gift giving or the presents counted out. But the smiling little girl and boy is what Christmas is about. Out of sight and out of mind is the Grinch’s meaning of Christmas from a dark outer shell. It doesn’t take a mountain of gifts to move a child but a simple reminder of how they’ve been good to themselves.

Lights of green, red and white shining over the North Star with a manger on the lawn centered with hanging lights along the tree. A peace so seldom seen on city streets. Not the scene at clubs and bars. But take it down another notch to really hit that Christmas spot and drink the spoils of Christmas cheer enough to hear the angel’s hark.

So, take a trip to the countryside to imagine views of Christmas past. With present relatives, family and friends building tradition that tends to last. For it is then a person can define the wonders of December through Christmas time. A moment of birth. A moment of peace. A moment to celebrate. A moment to greet.

Holiday greetings! Merry Christmas.

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