Dealing with a Fast Heart Rate

I have been living all my life with a fast heart beat. When I had my daughter, my heart beat was over two hundred beats a minute and that is when I decided to do something natural to help my heart. Here is a bit about my background, and some of the things that I am came up with to deal with my condition.

Living with a fast heart rate is something you just learn to deal with. This is something that you learn to control with diet and deep breathing. The diet would cutting things that stimulate the heart rate like caffeine in coffee and tea. Of course, there are many other things that can stimulate your heart beat such as excitement and excerise.

I was first told that I had a fast heart rate back when I was in third grade. My mother was shown what type of diet I should be on and I have to give my mother a BIG “Thank you!” for that. I was one of four children and not in the best of health conditions; it must not have been easy on her to have a child on a special diet. I can’t really say that my plate was any different than anyone else’s. My mother was always strong in eating right and eating all your vegetables.

Now, that I am in my fifties and overweight, my doctor is big on walking a mile a day. My doctors says that excerise will benfit both my heart and my weight. My heart will benefit because the walking will make it stronger. Getting out in the fresh air helps me bring strength into my legs and lungs which are affected by my asthma.

Taking deep breaths help to get the air into my lungs and to the heart. This will slow the heart rate down and the heart doesn’t get tired from the fastness of the heart beats. My heart can make the whole body tired and weak feeling. The legs get tired and feel like they can’t move another inch. Maybe the weakness and tiredness feeling comes from being overweight, also! Taking the deep breaths brings me a feeling of energy and calmness. The deep breaths can also help taking away the soreness in the chest which the doctor has said is arthritis.

I am not a doctor and in NO mean telling anyone to go off any medicine that the doctors have put you on. My condition is different from yours, so PLEASE listen to your doctor. Talk this article over with your doctor and see what they have to say about it. I am just writing to let you know what helps my heart slow down. If you have any suggestion on slowing down the heart beat in a normal way, I would be glad to hear them. Believe me, any suggestion I will be talking them over with my heart doctor. So no suggestion like drink pickle juice or anything like that.

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