“Cholesterol Revitaliser: Insider Secrets to Revitalising Your Health and Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally!” – Book Review

Cholesterol Revitaliser: Insider Secrets to Revitalising Your Health and Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally!
Stuart Brown
Revitaliser Publishing
Gidea Park, Essex
978-0-9564363-0-6, 2010

British author Stuart Brown releases his new book, “Cholesterol Revitaliser: Insider Secrets to Revitalising Your Health and Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally!” in an effort to shed some light on this confusing subject. While scores of books have already been written on cholesterol and its impact on good health, Brown’s book is short, sweet, and to the point. He presents his information in an ‘executive summary’ sort of way and doesn’t try to impress or confuse his audience with medical terminology. “Cholesterol Revitaliser” is the ‘down and dirty’ for quick cholesterol management.

Brown breaks his book down into several sections: the basics, eating right, cooking right, treatments, doctors, ‘insider secrets’ (his recommendations), grocery shopping, and additional resources. The basics obviously cover what cholesterol is and how and why it affects the body the way it does. Eating, cooking, and shopping right conveys food choice and preparation recommendations while the treatment section covers both natural and pharmaceutical ways of lowering the numbers. His ‘insider secrets’ are mind and lifestyles change suggestions that would make managing one’s cholesterol much easier if implemented. My favorite ‘secret’ (and the one which also stands as a personal pet peeve) is not rewarding children with food. This ‘secret’ can do so much more than change cholesterol numbers; it can lessen the chance of obesity later. Using food as a reward teaches children to equate feeling good about themselves with junk food. Later on, these children begin using the same types of food when experiencing self-esteem issues which can lead to weight gain and even obesity if not controlled. Obesity leads to more self-esteem problems which require more food to feel good and the cycle continues. Simply alleviating food from a reward system has the potential to completely avoid this dangerous cycle altogether.

While taking into account the ‘Queen’s English’ spelling style, “Cholesterol Revitaliser” does have some minor grammatical errors – mostly sentence fragments and improper capitalization. There are also a couple of redundant areas. For example, chapter two has a section called, “Cut Down On the Salt” and then chapter four covers the same information in a section called, “Reduce Salt”. The only really outstanding ‘oops’ in the book is in this sentence, “Take a leaf out of the Adidas Ad (sic), and, ‘Just Do It!” Nike execs will be fuming…

“Cholesterol Revitaliser: Insider Secrets to Revitalising Your Health and Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally!” is an easy-to-read, easy-to-apply book of recommendations for natural cholesterol management. As a busy single mom with genetically high cholesterol, I’ve already been able to incorporate many of Brown’s suggestions with minimal effort. A fun, healthy read!

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