Writing: DOs and DONʼTs
1. Do have a clearly identifiable thesis statement for essays. If you say only this sentence, the listener should still understand what your essay is about.

2. Do have a topic sentence for each paragraph. Every other sentence in the paragraph should relate directly to the topic sentence. If a sentence is not related to your topic sentence, it belongs in another paragraphs.

3. Do write in the active voice whenever possible. Allow the subject of your sentence to do the action, rather than receive the action.
+ Josh wrote the essay.
– The essay was written by Josh.

4. Do use vivid verbs, rather than common verbs when possible. Specifics and details engage the reader.
+ Liz stomped down the hall.
– Liz walked down the hall.

Note: the forms of “to be” (is, are, was, were, etc.) are the most common verbs of all. While “to be” is a necessary and important part of the English language, overuse will cause your writing to be less engaging.

5. Do include at least one new piece of information/evidence or logical argument development in every sentence. Sentences which only summarize or repeat information found in previous sentences wastes your time and the readers time.

6. Do make sure your sentence connects to the sentence which comes before and the sentence which comes after. If each sentence builds upon the sentence before and logically leads to the next, your writing will have a sense of unity and clarity.

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