2012: Age of Aquarius

Ariel was sitting in her cozy apartment thinking about the nearly past year of 2012. It was December 20, 2012; she was 20 years old and enjoying having an apartment of her own. She was happy when she could ring in 2012, the new age, the Year of Aquarius, in her own home instead of living in her parent’s home.

As she reviewed 2012 and the events that had happened so far, she was both excited and a little disappointed. She had expected more for this year. There had been so many predictions, from good to really bad. This year had met her expectations.

Looking back, yes, the world situation had become calmer. Several Nations had come into alignment that surprised the world, and made the world a better, seemingly safer, place to live. There were still some wars here and there, but not wars that threatened world peace.

The economy of the world has been improving all year. It seemed like there is a world economy alignment also. Nations working together to bring the cost of food and goods down while helping the poorer nations as much as possible. It’s the people of the nations that makes the nations. People were getting better in their relationships, this amazed Ariel.

And then there was the cry that the Age of Aquarius was here. Ariel had bought a sweatshirt, a pullover top and a key chain with the words “Age of Aquarius” on them. This term was everywhere, as the term “New Age” was touted everywhere. Ariel had heard that the sun was moving out of the constellation of Pisces into the constellation of Aquarius, this must be what the “Age of Aquarius” is all about. Many were saying 2012 was the year of the New Age. They were saying the New Age would be better than times past and in some ways 2012 has been better. Things were getting better in a gradual way.

Then there was the strange animal that sprang up in the summer of 2012. They called it Bolon something; she couldn’t remember the whole term that they used to name the animal. It was a big, evil looking animal. No one knew which animal to class it in. Anyone who got close enough to see what it was did not live to tell about it! It would pop up in one place, then like magic pop up somewhere else suddenly. No one could understand how it could travel from one spot to another in such speed and not even be seen traveling. It was surmised that the animal was traveling underground somehow.

Another strange thing about this animal Bolon was that some people were worshipping it like it was a god. Ariel could not understand why people would worship such a war-like creature, an animal. Because of Bolon, when Ariel left her home, she looked around before she walked to her car, as if that would do any good, he was too fast if he popped up where she was.

Ariel was glad for the good things and ignored the bad things that were happening in 2012. Some things did not happen that was predicted. The black hole did not swallow up earth. They said all of the electrical devices would quit working when the black hole came, and there would be unbearable darkness.

Of course, 2012 was not over yet. Tomorrow would be the winter solstice of 2012, December 21, 2012. When she goes to bed tonight, she wasn’t sure what the world would be like in the morning, after the world slipped into the next phase of existence. When the new age would officially be here, and perhaps the full Age of Aquarius.

Will Ariel get up in the morning and the skies will be a rose color? Will everything around her appear as it would as if she were looking through rose colored glasses? Or would the world come to a cataclysmic end during the night and she would not wake up? She went to bed fully dressed, just in case.

She reached over to set the alarm clock and the power went out. It was too dark to get out of bed and look for the flashlight. She couldn’t even see her hand in front of her face. Ariel decided she didn’t need light to sleep, so she just turned over to sleep in the deep darkness.

Ariel didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, if there will be a tomorrow. Whatever the new age of Aquarius brought, she would be ready!

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