Why Illegal Immigration is Wrong

As we are about to enter another election year this is a hugely important issue that keeps getting battered around and minimized by those seeking our votes. A clear and simple understanding of the real problem should reveal to most a much more serious concern than undocumented Mexican immigrants being in the United States illegally. The fact it is the problem it is, says something about the federal government that all American citizens should find appalling and inexcusable.

That being: vigorously enforcing some laws while willfully ignoring others through their own arrogance and power. Simply put, it tells us our government does what it wants regardless of laws. Make no mistake that’s the real meaning and this should be frightening. Is it any wonder that all our current economic problems are the result of unrestrained corruption and lawlessness on the part of “the ruling class”?

The fact and the truth is (not opinion or interpretation) our federal government and our elected lawmakers do not take their own laws seriously and have proven they are somehow removed or beyond their obedience. Laws are used for political will and gain at the discretion of our ruling body. Laws are for us, the people, to obey not them.

So, if Congress does not comply why should we? I have asked this question repeatedly to media and as many members of Congress that I can contact through conventional means and the silence is telling. Most recently, I sent the Congressman from my district an e-mail, per his invitation, where I inquired about his stance on immigration and I got a very quick response: a form letter from his staff full of complicated statistical data as an explanation. The inference was basically; “There, I’ve answered your question. Now shut up and go away”. When I replied being more specific with: ” Why does Congress advocate and persue the vigorous enforcement of tax laws but not immigration laws?”, I’ve yet to receive a response and that’s my answer.

Plain and simple, this is our government which is why you should not love or trust them. It is not an extreme interpretation or irrational point of view. Their pat excuse is our immigration system is flawed and needs reform but this logic too is flawed and contradicted by their actions. Many say the same thing about our tax codes (needs reform) yet they do not suspend enforcement on the basis of that reasoning.

Disregarding their sworn duty to uphold is the stark truth of who and what they are regardless of party affiliation: Lawless elitists whose every waking hour is about using the power and might of federal authority to take other peoples money at their own discretion. It is not anymore complicated than that.

To think they are anything but is simply wrong.

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