Why a Christie Candidacy Would Doom Mitt Romney

A few months ago, former Governor Mitt Romney was riding high in Republican polls. Many experts expected him to be the man who will face off against Barack Obama in the Presidential Election of 2012.
I have a newsflash for them… that is never going to happen.

Romney was popular with the moderates of the Republican Party, and in many ways, he still is. Conservatives, however, held a rather dim view of the former Massachusetts Governor because of his connection to a health care program nicknamed “RomneyCare”, which came pretty close to being Socialized Medicine. Southern voters have never been thrilled with Romneys devotion to Mormonism. Some Evangelicals view Mormons with suspicion and distrust, and consider them somewhat of a cult.

As if Romney didn’t have enough hurdles to face, a few weeks ago Texas Governor Rick Perry jumped into the race and immediately soared past all the other declared candidates — who had been campaigning for months. Perry brings an economic record of jobs growth in Texas that many Republican activists view as the perfect campaign issue to defeat Obama with in 2012.

Lurking in the wings is New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is being implored to run by many party activists. Christie is enormously popular in the party, and his entry into the race would probably doom Mitt Romney, as Christie would siphon off support from moderate Republicans who now back Romney. Time is running short for Christie to enter the 2012 race… but should he enter, Romneys campaign would probably be damaged the most. Chris Christie is one man that none of the GOP candidates want to see in the race. The other would probably be that charming lady from Alaska…..

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