What Are the Causes of Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is one issue that many people don’t have too much information about. Yet it is just as important to understand as the other types of pollution out there. Soil pollution is also harder to detect as it takes place underground where you may not readily see it. As a result there are series of tests that take place in order to help ensure it is healthy enough to be used.

Soil pollution can be the result of run off from a body of water that has been contaminated. Eventually that water has to come into contact with land and then it seeps into the soil. This can prevent crops from growing as well as plants, flowers, and trees. Without these items we then have food supply problems. We also increase air pollution because the plants, flowers, and trees remove carbon monoxide from the air we breathe.

Most of the time soil pollution is the result of human error or human negligence. There are storage tanks that can be placed underground with various types of chemicals in them. If they explode or they leak then what is in them is free to flow underground in the soil. It often destroys all that is in its path which we prevent anything from being able to grow there for a very long period of time.

The issue of landfills has become a very serious issue due to the information we have about soil pollution. There are also types of chemicals that are directly used on the soil such as pesticides that cause damage to it. There have been numerous organizations lobbying to the government for years to get stricter laws enforced relating to soil pollution. A ban on some types of pesticides has helped as well as changes manufacturers have done for packaging. More items you buy are now considered to be biodegradable.

The United States has the biggest problem with soil pollution in the entire world. Many researchers believe this is due to the level of advancement we have made. All of those freedoms from it though come with a heavy price. As a result the United States has continued to implement various types of programs to reduce soil pollution.

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