Unemployment: America’s Great Disaster

An endless array of articles informs me on what is wrong with the economy, how President Obama must act, and how poor Americans are today. I am one of those poor nameless Americans. I was a 99’er, on food stamps when my unemployment ran out and by the grace of God, have family that took me in so unlike other unfortunate souls, wasn’t homeless on the streets.

I watch the comments on the blogs after these articles, the despair of some, but what is most hurtful is the intolerance of others. Some Americans believe and belittle the unemployed as lazy individuals with no drive, who enjoy staying at home collecting unemployment. If you could walk just a day in our shoes, facing our challenges, your tune would change swiftly.

Unemployment is aid for a desperate situation, but never the solution. Jobs are the solution and unfortunately as long as our politicians support tax shelters, loopholes and allow companies to shut factories and ship our jobs and materials off to other countries, jobs will be akin to “pulling straw from thin air.” Impossible.

Why should companies hire? Companies and the media have created a fear mentality so Americans work harder and longer, for less. Terrified they will become unemployed and lose their homes, they put their nose to grindstones and their stress levels increase tenfold. Company profits are up, and some companies have terminated experienced workers in favor of less experienced workers at lower salaries thrilled to be working any job.

An even greater irony is the one I faced recently after having lost nearly everything I owned, getting a position, working harder than anyone can imagine. I attained for the company their coveted accreditation, received a public thanks for a job well done from the CEO and President, an award for excellence, and laid off the next day. And this was in the nonprofit sector of the economy, go figure.

Unfortunately many people discovered, long-term unemployment often creates credit challenges, and as companies can choose who they want, will bounce you out of contention because your credit isn’t pristine. We are trying to get a job, not a home loan or credit. Honestly using credit histories unless a person is tasked with direct handling of company finances is simply another discrimination tool.

I knew looking at that form recently after a preliminary job interview that my chances disappeared when I filled the form out. I attempted to discuss this form and my situation with the recruiter, but received a “good luck on your job search,” instead of understanding and an attempt to help me.

That length of time a person is unemployed is so detrimental. I believe if I had said, I was battling cancer and now I am clear, I would have been more warmly received instead of the “yes, the market has been soft.” After a while we feel we are covered with sores, leprosy or some contagious disease that keeps people from wanting to help or associate.

Although I have read reports of advertisements telling long term unemployed not to apply or detrimental comments about someone’s age, I have not personally witnessed these situations. I am sure people speak truth about discrimination, however overt, and I say Shame on our politicians for allowing companies to do this and not providing additional protection for us.

If I sound harsh, I have a right to be harsh and critical. I feel forgotten, abused by Corporate America, neglected by the very people I elected, the very government I supported with years of taxes, and ridiculed by the employed who lack compassion. Do I see an immediate end to my situation? Absolutely Not! All I can do is keep pushing and praying that another job will appear on the horizon. For now I have a roof over my head, enough to eat, no medical insurance, forty dollars in the bank, and hope things will improve before my determination breaks.

Currently, whether Republican, Democrat or Tea Party, none have stepped up to the plate to put action into words. “Talk Is Cheap,” and we get an over-abundance of talk and finger pointing. Maybe if politicians had to worry about food on a table, losing an apartment or home, waiting until desperately ill to seek medical attention they would act not waste our time with empty rhetoric.

I am proud to be an American, but disenchanted with government officials. On Election Day, I will cast my vote for change with millions of other voters, because America is broken, and apparently politicians are deaf to our voices and turn blind eyes to current situations.

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