Tips on How to Help ADHD Children Stay Organized and Follow Directions

It certainly is a problem for ADHD children to stay organized since they primarily have problems in dealing with these symptoms. However, they need to learn how to manage their life from simple ways to complicated ones. It is not easy for them to do it alone. Thus, parents, family members, teachers, and friends need their support and help.

There are different areas in which they can practice. Following directions can be learned by ADHD children. Bear in mind that it needs to be clear, precise, and short as possible. Take into consideration the step by step method. You can instruct them to do certain task one at a time. For example, as they finish one task, you can direct them to another task, until they completed everything that has to be done.

Help your ADHD children with their schedules. In order to assist them organize their schedule and not mess it up, keep them to do the same routine every day. You can post some reminders or notes on their dresser or cabinet. Give them simple instructions from waking up to their bedtime. What should they do as the wake up? For example, fix the bed, brush their teeth, take a shower, dress-up, eat breakfast, and go to school. How about at their bed time? For example, fix their things for tomorrow, brush their teeth, drink their milk, pray, and go to bed. You could also include in their schedule time for their homework, game, and other activities that they might enjoy.

You could also keep and post these instructions on the refrigerator or on a bulletin board in your kitchen. In cases that there are changes, make sure to take note and write in advance as possible to avoid confusion on your ADHD child. This way, they could always see it and be reminded at all times on what to do on that day.

Next thing is the organization of everyday needs. Well it would not be easy, but you could always do something about it. One way to do this is to keep everything in its proper place. There must be a place for everything especially the things your ADHD always need. These important things are their clothes, books, bags, toys, and personal belongings. They could use homework, book, and notebook organizers and other organizers for their school materials and supplies. This way, they will always know where to look for things they need and they would certainly know where to return it after. Remind them at all times that after they use something, they must return it where they’d got it. Writing a note and sticking it to areas where they could see it often will help.

In case your ADHD child did something right, praise them and give them rewards. This will encourage them to do the same right thing next time. As you give instructions to an ADHD child, make sure that it must be clear and consistent.

Remember that ADHD children need clear and consistent rules they can understand and follow.

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