Tips for Buying Fruits and Vegetables Any Time of Year

Fruits and vegetables should make up the bulk of your diet; pure and simple. Unfortunately, for many nationwide; they don’t. That can change, however, by incorporating some simple tips into your shopping strategy that can make certain you get plenty of delicious, healthy and nutritious fruits and vegetables any time of year.

Check your local farmer’s market for in season fruits and vegetables as these are often less expensive, are fresher and are convenient to obtain. Buying fruit and vegetables in season will save you money as you won’t have to worry about paying store mark up costs. Choose canned or frozen fruits and vegetables when purchasing out of season. These are less expensive than choosing out of season fresh fruits and vegetables. Check the salt content in vegetables and look for those that are either low sodium or no salt added. When choosing canned or frozen fruit, look for the sugar content and select those packed in their own fruit juice or those that have no sugar added.

Consider canning your own fruits and vegetables while they are in season so that you will have plenty to last long after the season is over. You can buy on sale, can and save the difference in delicious preserves, jams, jellies, pickles and relishes for months to come. For more information on the home canning visit Food

Check for generic or store brand fruits and vegetables that are canned or frozen for even greater savings. See if your grocery store offers a membership reward service. When you have a choice between fresh fruit and juice, it’s best to take the fresh fruit as you will take in more fiber; additionally, fruit juice may have added sugars which adds to the calorie count.

Keep in mind that fruits and vegetables, in their raw state, often have a short shelf life. It’s better to buy fruits and vegetables in small amounts rather than to purchase excess and throw them away.

The U.S. government site, “Fruits and Veggies Matter” offers a wide array of recipes for both fruits and vegetables. You may visit the online recipe database here. Fruits and Vegetable Recipes

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