The Weight Loss Battle of the Mind!

When trying to lose weight, many of us fail in doing so, and in many cases this is down to having a battle with our mind. ” This muffin would taste fantastic with some butter on, or should I use low-fat margarine instead? In fact, why am I even having this muffin at all? It’s so unhealthy and full of calories and saturated fat. I’m such a pig, why can’t I just have the will power to say no!” Sound familiar to you? Is it any wonder that we then go right ahead and eat the muffin with butter? We have just filled our heads with so much negativity we need something to make ourselves feel better. Step up the muffin and butter; it’s your time to shine!

Instead of going on a diet, what we need is a permanent solution to removing these negative thoughts from our head, and adopting a more positive approach. This is not an easy task, and never let it be said that anything that’s worth doing is easy, because it certainly is not and this is no exception.

The first thing we need to overcome is the realization of the negative thoughts, we need to become aware when we are feeling negative at that moment in time and quickly switch it around to a more positive vibe. In the above example with the muffin, instead of saying to yourself ”I’m such a pig” which is clearly putting yourself down, instead say to yourself ”a pig is an animal, and I am a human being therefore I’m not perfect!” You can see that this already has a less damaging effect on you as a person as the words a less severe. You are a human being after all, and NONE of us are perfect.

Many of us find it difficult to change our eating habits; this is down to the way we think about food. Once we change the way we think about our food and drink to a more positive manner, we will find it much easier to adopt new eating habits. We can all change our eating habits by applying some determination and will power to the task in hand. Keep in mind that these habits are ingrained in to who you actually are as a person; therefore it is an uphill challenge to come out on top but it will be 100% worth it when you do.

The battles that go on inside your head unfortunately cannot be stopped in a conventional way. However this is not what we are aiming to achieve, what we are aiming to achieve is to realize when they are there. We want to be able to recognize what the negative feelings actually are and what they are regarding, then we need to understand that the conversation you are having with yourself is so far removed from reality that the conversation simply should not be happening. When you get to this stage, which will take some time, you can then respond to your negative thoughts with a more positive outlook. The negative thoughts will not be quashed entirely, however they will less and less as time goes on. This is achieved by simply by listening to your more sympathetic and understanding voice. If you have a friend who has some personal troubles, you would sit with them and listen to what they are going through and sympathize with them right? Then all you have to do is adopt the same attitude to your own negative thoughts, be your own inner best friend regarding this issue, and you will find that you’ll achieve your weight loss goal much easier than before.

Enjoy and good luck guys!!

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