The Rules of Netiquette

The word netiquette is short for “Internet etiquette.” Here are some common rules of netiquette:

· Write to the level of your audience so you do not confuse or offend them. If you are sending a message to your congressman, use short simple words. Hello Mr. Congressman. I am upset. Here is why I am upset … · Do not drink heavily and text people or email people. Also, when drinking heavily, do not send messages to ex-girlfriends. This never works out Also do not join dating sites when drinking heavily. · If someone gets a restraining order against you, you might want to check the tone of your e-mails. · Do not say anything negative about anyone in e-mails. They can go viral and that picture you photo shopped of your male boss wearing garters and stockings means you will be looking for a new job. · Be respectful and treat everyone as you would want to be treated . Except for those idiots who actually LIKE the Red Sox. Netiquette says that Red Sox fans can be abused for thinking that the bandbox the team plays in is a real ball park. · Wait to respond to a message that upsets you and be careful of what you say and how you say it. While you are waiting call the person, offer to buy him or her a drink ( chances are it is a her, as women tend to be more vicious in emails – this is a proven scientific fact.) then give him or HER a hot foot at the bar. · Be considerate. Rude or threatening language, inflammatory assertions, personal attacks, and other inappropriate communication should not be tolerated. However remember that Red Sox fans and politicians are exempt from this rule. · Emoticons can be used to emphasize meaning. But if you have a brain, you realize that using emoticons leads to emasculation and before you know it, you are sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and crying through chick flicks. · Never post a message that is in all capital letters — it comes across to the reader as SHOUTING! Use boldface and italics sparingly, as they can denote sarcasm. DO YOU GET THAT RED SOX FANS? · Keep messages relevant to the topic being discussed. I totally agree with this and always stay on subject and have you noticed that you never see a baby squirrel and that abbreviation is a long word and shouldn’t it be shorter and …… · Always practice good grammar, punctuation, and composition. This shows that you’ve taken the time to craft your response and that you respect your audience. Ain’t that a swell tip? · Use spell check! Of course if you are like me, spell check will not recognize half the words you spell which is why I am a Spelling Chimp.

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