The GOP Hates JOBs

Make no mistake, President Barack Hussein Obama not only cares about the overwhelming majority of citizens residing in the United States, he shows it. The American Jobs Act is a prime example of this concern. On its surface the concept sounds good. Better than good actually. But when you look at the ingredients, the cake mix if you will, this initiative resembles nothing less than economic life support for millions hobbling around on their last leg. Firstly, it cuts payroll tax in half for 98% of businesses. This will encompass cutting payroll taxes for big business by 50% for its first $5,000,000; which naturally targets 98% of small companies that have payroll below this threshold. Companies that hire, ultimately resulting in increased payroll, will not have to pay payroll tax on these new workers for up to $50 million. $5,600 to $9,600 in tax credits will be extended to companies that hire unemployed veterans. Secondly, it calls for preventing the layoffs, or firing of 280,000 teachers, while maintaining the police force and firefighters. Modernizing 35,000 schools in rural as well as urban areas and a curriculum emphasis new science labs and internet proficiency (Slick Rick would naturally send his kids to a science-free institution).

Infrastructure repair, much needed infrastructure getting our roads, rail, airports, and waterways up to par, which will result in hundreds of thousands of construction workers doing their thing. A new “Project Rebuild” which will provide employment for workers rehabilitating homes, businesses and communities. And, this initiative will increase access to high speed wireless. Jobs for youth will be expanded, and let me say, fantastic youth employment programs in the Kansas City, Missouri area, taught my two youngest daughter so much about the aspects of work in the early to mid 1990’s. They still today, brag about how their experiences in the job market, as young teens, taught them how to be frugal in this fragile economy.

Speaker of the House, John Boehner finally opened up to the media discussing his thoughts on the President’s jobs initiative. Boehner said it’s as if the tea party led congress and Washington (code word for Obama) are living on two different planets. Huh? Is that the Speaker’s way of admitting the teaparty, his lord and master, are not cognizant of the real issues facing America in real time? I’m sure he was insinuating the President is from mars and Republican’s from venus as it applies to getting America back to work. He’s convinced we can’t tax Richie Rich and Daddy Warbucks any further than they’re being taxed today.

Wall Street is sitting on their thumbs on almost 3 trillion dollars which would ordinarily be invested in American businesses. They’re not hooping and hollering about taxes on Richie Rich or Daddy Warbucks is too high. They’re just sitting on this money waiting for the Republican party to spank its teaparty cohorts, and stop allowing this small group of troublemakers from throwing wrenches, screwdrivers, and anything else they can put their hands on into the economic machinery. And teaheads shouldn’t be allowed to retain this much props.

But alas, Republicans are scared of their own shadows when it comes to confronting these quasi-treasonous group of rabble rousers. They cater to these idiots every step of the way. It’s almost as if teaheads are the marionettes and the GOP are its puppets, flipping and flopping like a fish on the line, waiting for their next instructions. Check this, as loyal as Boehner’s been to teaparty idiots, he’s being challenged in the primaries by a remote control puppet which is more modernized and substantially more dangerous than the tug and pull variety in Congress now.

Barack Obama’s $474 billion plan to get American’s off their duffs and back into being check cashing, tax paying workers should be enough to make Republicans run to the house and vote “yes” overwhelmingly. 60% of this initiative is geared toward tax restructures the GOP claims they love so well. But Eric Cantor doesn’t appreciate the way the President framed his request. “Pass this bill now” was just too much for the House majority leader to take while sipping tea and eating crumpets. Poor baby. Apparently his pride is more important than millions of Americans either attaining or retaining employment.

This isn’t a game of Monopoly where you pick a card, roll the dice, and either gain new property or go directly to jail. We’re dealing with millions of real life people struggling to feed their families, or buy their kids school clothes, or pay the rent or mortgage. Ideologies should be checked at the door, and pragmatic decision making must take precedence. The President has been traveling to the voting districts of Boehner, Cantor, and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell to try and drive the point home to their constituents that jobs, jobs, jobs is the most important issue of the day. I really hope America rallys around Obama on this one, because time is truly running out.

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