The 2012 Controversy- More Fact Than Fiction

The 2012 controversy is an especially complex issue filled with hype, science and yes very serious consequences for the world. But the question of “How real is the threat?”, is one everyone wants to have answers to.

The answers to this question lie in science, archeology, geology, astronomy, history, prophecies and yes the Bible. There is no question as to the realities of the bottleneck extinctions on the planet earth. Over many millennium life and death have occurred in waves of explosive bursts of both life and death. Including massive greenhouse gases that have caused global death, long before the automobile was ever even a thought.

Often people believe that the Bible and science are in conflict, but with close examination they are in fact parallel in many, many areas that have surprised even the most staunch atheist scientist.

So what is all the hype of 2012? Well through extensive reasearch and modern technology scientists now know that there are a series of catastrophic events that can and have –all but wiped out life on the planet earth. Archeology, astronomy and geography have in the last forty years proven what the Bible and other prophecies have noted. Life on the planet earth can and has been on the brink of destruction many times. Within just a few short decades, myths that many people thought were impossible or improbable have revealed themselves as scientifically factual or highly probable.

Science is proving continually that they know little of what they thought they knew of catastophic earth events. With each discovery of extinction or catastrophic planet events they uncover, scientists find they have more questions than answers. The facts that the scientists do now know are startling and certainly worth serious pause for humans to consider. The even greater issue is what questions that cause great concern and pause that science has no answers for.

For the naysayers, one need only take a look at a few details of global catastropic events.Science has now proven that a global deluge did in fact occur on earth at least a few times. Fossils of marine mammals have been found enmass in mountainous regions around the world. The theories of even Atlantis have come under fire, as science has now proven that plate tectonics and submergence of land masses does occur. The last two major earthquakes in Japan and Indonesia that caused tsunamis are in fact proof that land can be moved and the earth’s axis changed. Scientists now understand and have witnessed that volcanic islands that have submerged after eruptions, these pose intense possibilities as proof that Atlantis could in fact have been a real island lost in a volcanic submergence. So, if as Plato describes this land did exist, the questions arise as to what catastrophe could have caused its sudden demise, flood, submergence, or collapse?

Over these last decades, science has uncovered so many newly discovered potential cataclysms we face on earth. It is a wonder people are not a bit more leary of the earth changes we now face. Through science we now know that Supervolcanoes like the restless sleeping giant in Yellowstone can bring life on the planet to an abrupt near extinction. Magnetic pole changes, weather pattern changes and science have proven there are massive changes occuring on the planet earth today. The data is clear that meteors, mega solarstorms, Supernova’s, and magnetic pole changes can all but destroy life on the planet as well. The questions of what will 2012 or 2013 bring looms for all of mankind. As science is continously uncovering new threats that our planet faces, the truth of the past earth extinction bottlenecks are revealed.

The new science of cataclysyms is now a streaming line of discoveries. These truths are bringing new knowledge to add to the equation with sure certainty on a regular basis. The hype of catastrophic earth events are pushed aside more and more as less hype and more fact as science discovers planetary near extinctions are no longer theories. They are a series of geological, earth science, astronomical, archeological, and medical facts that scientists have now acknowledged. There is much more truth than hype today that the earth is in a perilous faze that most of science and man are ill prepared to face. What that means for 2012, only time will tell!

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