Ten Real Simple Ways to Save Money

There ARE some really simple ways to save money… REALLY! Here are ten quick things you can do which probably cost less than what you are doing now… yet won’t affect your lifestyle in the least!

1) Cell phones… those free cell phones come with $900/yr plans. I buy a good Android phone which does everything I want (it has GPS, wifi, web access, camera, a keyboard etc) for under $200, then I buy a $100 annual plan with 1000 minutes and I make sure to stay under those minutes (I use google phone and other internet-based methods to make free calls whenver possible)… meaning I have a $200 phone and an $8/mo cell plan. Because the phone is wifi I get all the net access I want, all day long at home, and at wifi spots everywhere. That’s a HUGE savings.

2) Computers… no basic difference between a $300 e-machines computer and a $900 HP. Cheap is better.
Start with less expensive and you probably won’t need to upgrade; but if you do, storage drives and RAM are at historically low prices anyway! Unless you are a serious professional who runs large programs (CS5, CAD, others) you simply don’t need the extra computing power to surf the web, send email, or organize your photos.

3) . I cut my electric bill by 30% using simple energy savings. I switched to CFCs and some LED bulbs (to replace the small halogen spotlights which can’t take CFCs). I clean my air conditioner thoroughly every month and replace the filter. I aggregated all my computer devices (modem, router, external drives, printers, chargers, etc etc) onto one surge supressor (I just plug in three more surge supressors into this one) and it is on the side of my desk. When I leave the room, I hit one switch and all the little “vampire” devices shut off. I put in motion detection lights in the carport and backyard so they come on and off only when I need them. I put in timed lights in closets so they turn themselves off after five minutes. An electric kettlle will save money over boiling water on the stove.

4) I cut my water bill by 50% by using water harvesting. The drain for the washing machine goes straight to the outside and using perforated sewer pipe it waters one entire bed of flowers and plants. I use a tub in the sink to conserve water and I dump it outside in the garden when I’m done. I also installed FOOT operated faucet controls in the kitchen so when washing dishes I can control exactly how much water I need… which I estimate saves about 50% of the water normally wasted when the faucet is left running. Gutters on the roof run water into different tanks which I use for watering the lawn.

5) Make your own health drinks. I make my own sports water by using Kool-Aid,sugar, salt and lite salt (it has potassium). It has exactly the same ingredients as expensive sports drinks, but costs pennies. Compared to buying premade in a bottle, I save more than a dollar a day.

6) I save $500/yr using a Soda-stream carbonator and buy zero soft drinks or carbonated beverages. I used to drink a couple of colas a day and would go through two cases of canned bubbly water a week. Now I make my own.

7) Instead of buying one latte a day for $3, I bought one good quality espresso maker. Expensive ($500) but it paid for itself within one year; and I’ve had it five years now. If you’re an espresso addict – you can easily justify this major expense with the money you will save.

8) I use the internet and auction sites, including ebay, extensively when buying any electronic equipment and office supplies. Generally I’ll save 10-30% off the purchase price compared to buying it locally.

9) I review my insurance rates every year. In the past ten years, I’ve found better and cheaper rates at least three times, cutting my costs every time. When you find a better rate, talk to your current insurer first – they will often match the price. Also, make sure to review your auto insurance every time you move… if you move to a “safer” district you can get better rates – but your current insurer probably won’t tell you that!

10) I don’t have cable TV. I get about 20 channels via a HD digital antenna on my roof, and have a HD OTA DVR to record over-the-air programming. I cancelled the cable once I figured out I get just as good quality entertainment for free… and a Netflix account will get you all those great cable shows on DVD or streamed, for only a few bucks a month.

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