Surviving on Less Than Minimum Wage

As I sit here and write this article, I am amazed at how people can complain about what they make in their paycheck and then expect sympathy from others. I say this because I just finished reading an article about a woman who makes $50,000 a year and after figuring out her expenses she is making minimum wage. To me this is funny. Why, you may ask? Because there are those out in the world who survive on far less than that and can still manage to provide for their families.

The woman in the article that I read would never survive in my home. One, she may have quit her work at home job to take an office job, but she does not fully understand what it means to be poor. First, she talks about her paycheck and what she brings home every week. She then goes on to talk about her expenses. I found this to be extremely entertaining. She spends money on clothes each week, groceries, or the lack of groceries, combating stress in the work place by taking vacations, and finally how she can no longer cook because she is too tired from her regular job to cook meals at home.

I do not have the luxury of spending money on clothes on a regular basis. I have a part time job as a substitute teacher and I need to look professional for that job, but I do not buy clothes for myself every week to make myself look professional. I use what I have in my wardrobe and do the best that I can with what I have. It is possible to use what you have. I also go to yard sales, yes, yard sales I look to see what I can find that may work for me. I also go to Goodwill (when I can) on Wednesday’s for their $.99 tag sale. It is a great way to find clothes that I would not otherwise be able to buy. Many people do not have the money to buy clothes every week and this woman complaining because she is only making minimum wage after work expenses? Please!

Now, she goes on and talks about commuting costs and having to drive for her job. How all this is hard on her vehicle. She has to do maintenance on her car and how much it costs to cover that maintenance and the cost of commuting. I can understand that, as I have vehicles that I use for transportation. I have to have a car to transport my children back and forth to school, dr’s apps., church, and other extracurricular activities. BUT, I use what I have, make due with my vehicle getting what maintenance I can afford to give it. I do oil changes and tune-ups, but my husband and myself do them. I know that many people cannot do this, but there are ways that this can be done cheaply, such as friends who may be mechanically inclined or coupons, or my favorite, Wal-mart can be cheap at times.

Another complaint she has is the “worn out” factor. She no longer has time to cook at home so her grocery bill has gone way up because she now pays for take out to feed her family. Take-out!!!! I do not know what take out is unless you mean my paper bag lunch I take with me when I do go to work. I get to go out to eat once or twice a month with my husband, IF we have the funds to do that. When we do it is usually off the dollar menu of whatever fast food joint we are at. My children do not get fast food unless someone we know treats them. She could take the weekends and create meals that she can freeze ahead of time, or even invest in a slow cooker and then she will not have to do anything at all when she gets home from work except feed her family! There are ways to get around being to tired to cook for your family.

Even the luxury of feeding your family is hard enough and groceries can be scarce. Beans is a great staple or biscuits and gravy is a regular on our menu. But who is complaining? NOT me or my kids, we are happy that we have food and that we do not go to bed hungry. It is called BUDGETING! Learn how to do it without frivolous spending.

This woman also proceeded to talk about the cost of paying others to do her “home” work, i.e. household chores and lawn care. She also said that she is paying for weekly massages because of the stress. First, in my life my children help do household chores and lawn care (it is free labor) and teaches them good work skills. Helping around the house can also teach children how to care for themselves as well so when they get out in the real world and a home of their own they will know how to care for it. There is nothing wrong with getting other household members involved in helping take care of the home.

Lastly, she talks about taking vacations to help combat work stress and the cost of taking a vacation. To me a vacation was visiting family members who did not live close to me. Even then, I had to make sure that we had our expenses paid before considering leaving home. Who has the money to take a vacation? I sure don’t and haven’t had a real vacation ever. We have things close to home that we can do for fairly cheap, such as going to an amusement park. It is fairly cheap and inexpensive and there is not a lot of money involved in going. (We usually went when my husband’s company had a company picnic for their employees) Hey, it’s free and the kids get to have fun. We do not spend a lot of money going and take a cooler with our lunch in it so we do not have to spend a lot of money inside the park eating.

Why do people love to complain about things that they can change? She thought that she made good money making $50,000 a year. She needs to get a reality check and try only making $20,000 or less a year and still live and support your family. Am I complaining that I only make this much money? NO, I am happy. I am teaching my children how to take care of their home and having the time of our lives. We do not have a lot of things, but we do have each other and that is what really matters when we get down to it.

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