Stop Snoring: Cause, Cures and Tips

Snoring is a very common problem that both men and women suffer from. Some children even are known to snore from time to time. There are people that snore on occasion when they are extremely tired, after drinking beer, and when they are suffering from allergies or a cold. Other individuals snore chronically, and it really interferes with their ability to rest. They may lay down for 8 or 9 hours a night but still wake up feeling sluggish and tired.

Statistics show that 25% of the population snore each night. It may also be interfering with their relationships as spouses can find their sleep is also interrupted. Sometimes a person only snores when they sleep on their back. Waking them up to turn onto their side can help take care of the problem. For others though they snore regardless of the position in which they lay.

The noises that are created while a person is snoring are the result of not getting enough air to flow through the mouth and nose as it should. This could be the result of weak muscles in their throat, too much tissue built up in the back of the throat, having a palate that is longer than normal, and problems with their nasal passages.

For most people, the fact they snore is nothing serious to be concerned about. They may try over the counter remedies if they aren’t feeling rested in the morning or they are annoying their sleep partner. Those with chronic snoring should seek medical attention. It is often associated with sleep apnea. This can result in the heart having to work much harder than it should.

There are many different types of medical treatments offered for snoring. A person can see a specialist for a complete assessment. After this has been completed a consultation can be done to discuss the various options that are available. Some people respond well to treatment without surgery while others require it. For those that are opposed to surgery or that are too high of a risk for it, a mask may be worn at nigh that allows the right amount of air to pass through the nose and mouth while sleeping.

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