Scrapbooking: My Favorite Winter Activity

For the past several years, scrapbooking has become one of my favorite winter hobbies. I can stay inside my warm, cozy house and get out either my scrapbooking supplies or open my digital scrapbooking software on my laptop and work on preserving my precious memories. I would much rather be inside than be outside in the cold, snow and ice.


In the spring of 2003, I was first introduced to scrapbooking, and I have been hooked ever since. Scrapbooking is therapy for me when I am having a difficult time or just need something to focus on besides writing. It is something I can do alone, but it is more fun when you can go to a crop, a gathering of other scrapbookers for a day or even sometimes a weekend. If I am lucky, sometimes my daughter even joins me for a day of scrapbooking here at home. Otherwise, the majority of my scrapbooking is done by myself.


Like many winter activities, scrapbooking takes money. Depending upon how detailed you get with your pages, you can spend quite a bit or just a bare minimum. I do spend some money, but I tend to do simple pages. With an estimate of 10,000 or more pictures from the last 30 years of my life, I have hours of scrapbooking ahead of me, and I can’t afford to spend too much money. I am more interested in just getting the photos in the albums. I plan on spending as much time as I can catching up. By the end of the winter, I hope to have my digital vacation album, my family 2009 and 2010 albums, and my children’s school albums finished, and I will spend at least 50 hours, if not more, by the time I am done.


For my winter hobby, I can do it in the comfort of my home, but at least one weekend, I will travel in pursuit of my winter hobby a half hour from home so I may attend a huge crop. I have gone the last couple of years and have managed to get so many pages done. This coming winter I plan on attending the whole three-day weekend – Friday to Sunday; in past years I have only attended Saturday and Sunday. With an extra day, I will get even more done, and I am certainly happy about that thought.

Scrapbooking is my favorite winter activity. I can relax and enjoy the memories as I put photos in albums. This hobby keeps me busy and helps me pass the time on a cold, snowy winter day.

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