“Once Upon a Time” is “LOST” Meets “The Princess Bride”

Once Upon a Time has something for everyone. The story begins in the world of fairy tales, where we meet Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin), Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) and the oh so Evil Queen (Lana Parrilla). The Evil Queen is not pleased with Snow White and her Prince, and vows to let loose a curse that will bring them all to their knees, or as it happens, to the real world of Storybooke, Maine. Other familiar characters are there as well: Jiminy Cricket, Gepetto, Little Red Riding Hood, and the wildly intruiging Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle).

As the Evil Queen sets her curse in action, we learn that there is only one savior of all of the fairy tale characters who can bring them back to the world they love. It is Snow White’s yet to be born daughter, Emma. Until then, they will all live in Storybooke, unaware of their own true fantastical identities, until Emma’s opportunity to set things right again arrives on her 28th birthday.

The show switches between the past lives of the characters in their fairy tale world and their current situation in Maine. In the past, we learn more of each of their backrounds, who they are, and how they came to be that way. In shades of the Princess Bride, there are costumes and castles, dark dungeons and of course, true love. In present day Storybooke, we watch the characters interact as everyday citizens, wondering who knows what, if anything, about the past. Like LOST, there are hidden clues. According to ABC’s website for Once Upon a Time, some of the clues actually relate to Lost. The number on the clock tower, 23, is a reference to Jack Shephard’s number on LOST; and Emma’s room number when she stays at the Bed & Breakfast in town, 4, is a reference to John Locke’s number.

Once Upon a Time may have similarities to The Princess Bride and LOST, but it is truly one of a kind. The characters and the story line will have you wishing Sunday would hurry up and come around again so you can see the next episode. As it airs at 8:00pm EST, it seems fair to say the content will remain appropriate for families to enjoy together. The mystery involved paired with characters we have all known since childhood makes Once Upon a Time a unique delight.

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