Lost Pet Memory Necklace

There’s no worse feeling in the world than to lose someone you love. Your heart aches, you cry, and you think of that person often. But when the lost loved one is a pet there is little difference in the way you feel. That pet was your best friend – a member of your family. There should be a way to honor that dog or cat who is now incredibly missed – a way you can keep a memory of your pet close to your heart. Actually, it’s very easy to do just that. Use a dog or cat tag to make a necklace and you literally have a part of the pet with you forever.

Many people buy tags to hang around the necks of their pets. The tags are generally small and metallic but come in a variety of colors. Most people display a rabies shot necklace on their pets but some people add another tag; a tag with the pet’s name engraved on it. Those types of tags are perfect for making the unusual but heartfelt necklace for a child or an adult.

Put a small “o” ring on the chosen dog or cat tag and use it to attach the tag to a chain. That’s all you have to do but you can make the necklace more of a memorial by applying a couple of craft supplies.

Choose a tiny sticker or decal – found at any home improvement store – and stick it to the bottom area of the tag. Make sure it doesn’t cover the pet’s name. If it does, just trim it to fit. A sticker of flowers looks especially nice to create a memorial necklace.

The necklace will look really special when you use enameling resin. Sprinkle it on and follow the package instructions to finish. The enamel will give the entire tag – sticker and all – the look of a glass top.

You can always add more things to the memorial necklace. A bead which is shaped like a gem, and offered in birthstone colors, is a nice choice. Or, a tiny bone charm from a craft store would look great on the memorial necklace.

If you want, tie a bow around the necklace, where it meets the chain, to further create the memorial you want. When you’re finished, just wear it and remember your beloved pet who is now gone from the Earth but never from your heart.
Pet Memorial Necklace

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