Learning How to Accomplish Short Term Financial Goals

There are many ways to learn how to accomplish short term financial goals. If you try, you will find the results to be rewarding if you stick to a plan. Short term financial goals are normally financial obligations or financial goals that can be paid off or accomplished within one year. You will have to make this decision based on your personal income. The process is not difficult but it does require basic research and determination to wipe out debt or increase income. To accomplish your short term financial goals, you must be serious, you must be specific, and you must be realistic.

First, you must be serious about learning how to accomplish short term financial goals. Keep in mind that you are responsible for planning and organizing your own financial future. If you are not debt-free, you should immediately start a plan that will help you accomplish your short term financial objectives. However, most of never get serious about paying off our short term debts. Then, the interest accrues and the debt increases and its more difficult to pay-off the creditors.

To get started, simply write down all your debts that you can pay off within one year. Pay off the smallest debts first then attack the larger debts. You may want to save money for a down payment on a car or a home. Simply set aside a certain amount of funds from each pay check or get a part time job to complete the task within one year. Financial goals are easier to accomplish when you have them written down on paper. Check out the Dave Ramsey plan “The Seven Baby Steps.”

Next, you must be specific about learning how to accomplish short term financial goals. Make sure you have a specific time frame in mind for accomplishing short term goals. Plan to complete your tasks within three, six, or perhaps nine months. However, try to get the tasks completed within on year. For example, if you want to pay off a $1,000 credit card balance, you can almost eliminate this debt within 12 months by paying $86.00 per month toward this bill. This is a very simple concept and it can be used to pay off all your short term debts.

Avoid hiring a financial advisor or a counselor to help you with your short term financial goals and objectives because it will be a waste of your time and hard earned money. There are thousands of financial planning software programs on the market that can help you and your family in the process. Your goal is to become debt-free. Here are three free financial software programs you may want to consider: Buddi Transaction Register, Microsoft Money Sunset Deluxe, and Pear Budget Free Spreadsheet. Do not forget to consider your online banking website financial tools section if you bank online. Bank of America has free online tools that will help you create a budget.

Then, you must be realistic when learning how to accomplish your short term financial goals. Do not say that you are going to save $10,000 this year when your personal income is $30,000. It is very unlikely that you will be able to save this much of your income. Be more realistic and shoot for $5,000 to $6,000 to save each year. Also be realistic about paying off your debts. For example, if you make $50,000 a year. Do not plan to erase a $30,000 in one year unless you are going to work extra jobs and eat beans and rice. It can be done but you want to make sure that your goals are attainable and realistic.

Finally, you can accomplish your short term goals by being serious, by being specific, and by being realistic. There are books that you can read that will help you get out of debt. Read the book, “How to Finally Live Debt Free and Wealthy” by Jonny Andrews. Do the best you can to become debt-free in America because no one else is going to do it for you. Thou shall not let our money depart from us.

Dave Ramsey Website


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