IPhone 4S Briefing of Features

If you are an iPhone fan than you have no doubt heard about the new highly anticipated iPhone…4S. That’s right! No iPhone 5! This new iPhone will have some new features that make it appealing but still unable to totally compete with android speed through networks like Verizon. This is a departure from what was believed to be the next generation of iPhone. Some reports suggest this phone has been released until Apple develops an iPhone 5 that will be better on other networks.

Nonetheless, it has some great features that make it a looker. It has something called Siri, an intelligent assistant feature. Siri can make calls, texts and set reminders for you via voice command. This type of feature is bound to become copied on other phones as the pressure to be totally hands free mounts. Siri eliminates texting and driving or fumbling around to multi-task your phone.

A dual core A-5 chip sounds really important. But to a non-computer person like me, it means pretty much nothing. What it translates to is faster graphic loading. This will speed up surfing on the net a great deal. It will also allow gamers to use their phone for this purpose. Apple’s website claims to have made the graphic loading seven times faster.

The camera has been improved. The iPhone will now have an 8 megapixel camera that can also do its HDR shots. For those of you who are novices, the HDR option takes three pictures and then combines them to make it the best. The originals are also kept. Apple hopes your iPhone will soon be the only camera you take with you.

Finally, the phone will also be able to use iO5, which gives the user more functionality. This network would allow for a notification center, reminders, and twitter integration. All the stuff we all now need to make sure we are all so very connected. This in conjunction with the ability to have access to music and files with iCloud makes this a very attractive feature.

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