How to Overcome Jealousy when Your Friend Has a Baby

Has your friend just given birth? If so, you may be shocked to discover that you feel resentful of the baby, or even jealous. How can you overcome your jealousy when your friend has just had a baby?

Confide Your Feelings in a Trust Friend

When you are feeling down at the birth of your friend’s baby, it is important to confide your feelings to someone who will understand and refrain from passing judgement. Choose a trusted friend to talk to, rather than the new mother! The last thing she will want to hear is how you are feeling jealous since the arrival of her new bundle of joy.

It is normal to feel pushed out once baby is born. Even friends who arranged baby showers for pregnant friends find themselves feeling jealous once the baby is born. This can make it challenging to cope with your negative emotions once baby arrives.

Accept That Your Friendship Will Change

Friendships change over time. Once friends get married and start a family, their priorities will also change. The arrival of a baby can change a friendship forever. Unless you are prepared, your friendship may not last. Accept that the friendship will change. Your friendship can continue to thrive after the baby’s birth, provided you maintain a positive attitude and you make an effort to stay connected to your friend. Just remember that her priorities will not be the same as they once were.

Get Involved in Baby’s Life

Deep down, you must be feeling relieved and overjoyed that your friend has been able to make it through the birth without any major problems or complications. It can be hard to show it when you are feeling down following the birth of the baby. However, one way to overcome such negativity is to get involved in the baby’s life. Buy the baby a dress or a pair of knitted booties, offer to babysit so that your friend can take the morning off from her duties or find some other way to get involved in the baby’s life.

Showing a genuine interest in the baby can make a huge difference. Once you have reached out to your friend and her baby, you will find it easier to cope with your feelings. They will eventually banish if you continue to involve yourself in the baby’s development.

It is normal to feel jealous once your friend’s baby is born. Rather than let it get you down, do something about it. Do not let your friendship fizzle out. A concerted effort on both parts can help ensure your friendship survives the birth of your friend’s baby.

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