Happy Dead Birthday to Famous People Who Were Born on All-Souls Day November 2

Famous Dead Birthdays is just what it sounds like. Dead Birthdays are birthdays of famous people who have a birthday, but have already passed. For example, Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 and he died on April 17, 1790. This means Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday is on January 17 th. If Benjamin Franklin was still alive in 2011, he would be 304 Yrs. Old. Famous Dead Birthdays is a type of trivia. How old would a dead famous person be (on their birthday) if they were still alive?

What Happened Today in History?

1772 American Revolutionary War: Samuel Adams and Joseph Warren form the first Committee of Correspondence

1783 In Rocky Hill, New Jersey, US General George Washington gives his “Farewell Address to the Army”.

1947 In California, designer Howard Hughes performs the maiden (and only) flight of the Spruce Goose or H-4 The Hercules; the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built.

1983 U.S. President Ronald Reagan signs a bill creating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

1984 Capital punishment: Velma Barfield becomes the first woman executed in the United States since 1962

Happy All-Souls Day to Everybody Who Was Born on November 2nd

All Souls’ Day in the United States is dedicated to prayers for the dead. The Day of the Dead is also celebrated on this day. Many western churches annually observe All Souls’ Day on November 2 and many eastern churches celebrate it prior to Lent and the day before Pentecost

Happy Dead Birthdays-53 Days until Christmas

1636-1721 Edward Colston was a Bristol-born English merchant and Member of Parliament. Much of his wealth, although used often for philanthropic purposes, was acquired through the trade and exploitation of slaves

1734-1820 Daniel Boone American explorer, Daniel Boone was a man and folk hero of America

1755-1793 Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

1795-1849 James Knox Polk, 11th President of the United States

1799-1885 John Light Atlee was an American physician and surgeon. He was one of the organizers of the American Medical Association

1865-1923 Warren G. Harding, 29th President of the United States

1877-1933 Joseph De Piro, Maltese founder of the Missionary Society of St. Paul

1892-1939 Alice Brady, Academy Award-winning American actress

1893-1966 Battista Farina, founder of Pininfarina Company

1899-1973 Peter Aufschnaiter, Austrian mountaineer, known from Seven Years in Tibet

1913-1994 Burt Lancaster, American actor

1932-2009 Ron Sproat was an American screenwriter and playwright known for Dark Shadows

1936-1989 Jack Starrett, American actor and director

Happy All-Souls Day

Famous Dead Birthdays is just what it sounds like. Dead Birthdays are birthdays of famous people who have a birthday, but have already passed. For example, Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 and he died on April 17, 1790. This means Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday is on January 17 th. If Benjamin Franklin was still alive in 2011, he would be 304 Yrs. Old. Famous Dead Birthdays is a type of trivia. How old would a dead famous person be (on their birthday) if they were still alive?

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