Gotu Kola and Its Herbal Healing Uses

Latin name: Hydrocotyle asiatica

Common name(s): Gotu Kola, Indian Pennywort, Hydrocotyle, Pegaga

Gotu Kola is a brain food because it promotes memory and learning ability. Gotu Kola is known in India for its calming effects. Gotu Kola is historically considered to be one of the best nerve tonics in herbal healing. It strengthens the heart, cleanses the blood and balances hormones and the nervous system. It is believed to add longevity to life in Sri Lanka because it was discovered to be one of the favorite foods of the elephants and they live so long.

Gotu Kola is rejuvenating diuretic herb. It is an evergreen perennial that grows in a creeping fashion which roots at the nodes. It grows clusters of kidney shaped leaves that have indented margins. In the summer it blooms tiny pink flowers. The whole plant is used in herbal healing. Gotu Kola reduces inflammation, fever, cleanse the body of toxins and boost the immune system for healing according to ‘Herbal Medicine’ by Diane Dincin Buchman.

Gotu Kola leaves can be eaten raw, added to salads, soups, and curries and it is steamed as a vegetable. Juice of gotu kola and the dried herb are used in teas and tonics. Gotu Kola extract are added to some cosmetic creams and masks to increase the collagen in the skin. Gotu Kola taken in excess can cause headaches, transient and unconsciousness. It may also interfere with other types of hypoglycemic therapy when it is taken internally in excess.

It aids in restoring elasticity to the skin by increasing production of peripheral blood vessels and connective tissues. Gotu Kola is helpful with lowering high blood pressure. It is used in China for treatment of leprosy and tuberculosis. It has wound healing abilities and it can be used to combat fatigue as well. It is excellent for use in healing of burns and after surgery wounds.

Gotu kola can be used to treat any of the following:

Age spots, aging, arteriosclerosis, blisters, chronic skin conditions, circulation to the brain, depression, dysentery, eczema, exhaustion, fever, headaches, hemorrhoids, hypoglycemia, inability to concentrate, increases energy, insomnia, learning problems, leg circulation, leg cramps, leprosy, liver, measles, memory problems, menopause, mental retardation, mental troubles, nervous breakdown, nervous disorders, night cramps, pituitary gland, promotes longevity, psoriasis, rheumatism, schizophrenia, scrofula, senility, skin conditions, sore throat, spinal meningitis, stamina, stomach problems, strengthens the heart, stuttering, thread veins, tonic, tonsillitis, ulcerations, ulcers, varicose veins, venereal disease and wound healing.

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