Geeky Sci-Fi Fandom Pet Name Ideas for ‘Star Trek,’ ‘Firefly’ and ‘Star Wars’ Fans

Most pet owners carefully consider their pets’ names, sometimes generating lists before they even meet their pets. My friends and fellow geeks have come up with some particularly fantastic and fannish names for their animals, referencing sci-fi’s best TV shows, including “Star Trek,” “Firefly” and “Star Wars.”

“Star Trek”

When my husband went to pick out our Boxer, he was set on the name Picard, as in Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) from “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” When he finally saw our goofy boy, he changed his mind! Our dog is hardly as distinguished as the real Picard, but a more thoughtful looking animal might have worn the moniker well.

The best “Star Trek” pet name has to go to my friends Scott and Mel, who named their adorable cat Mr. Frakes after actor Jonathan Frakes-he played Commander William T. Riker on “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” They even took a photo of Mr. Frakes to a convention; the real Mr. Frakes signed it and the experience was reportedly as interesting as a Betazoid wedding.

Other “Star Trek” name suggestions include: Data, Worf, Kirk, Spock, Khan, Odo, Porthos, Q and Scotty for males. Female names: Jadzia, Chapel, Crusher, Ro, Kira, T’Pol, Minuet and Kes. Gender-neutral names: Dax, Soren.


“Firefly” is a short-lived and much loved space western TV series originally broadcast on Fox. “Firefly” includes characters from all ranks of society.

After meeting the owner of a poodle named Inara at the dog park, I had to ask: “Is she named after the companion on ‘Firefly?’” When the owner answered yes, the two of us geeked out together and talked TV for a good 20 minutes. The stand-out geeky dog name provided an avenue for conversation between dog owners.

Get on ship with female names like: YoSaffBridge, Inara, Kaylee, Zoe, Saffron, Miranda and River. For male pets, consider: Badger, Jayne (don’t call him a girl), Jubal, Wash, Mal and Simon. Gender neutral suggestions: Shepherd, Reaver.

“Star Wars”

If you’d like a more obvious and recognizable nerd name for your pet, consider selecting a name from “Star Wars.” The “Star Wars” movies (and comic books, novels, video games and TV spinoffs) are full of awesome names for pets.

“Star Wars” also has lots of furry and animal-inspired characters, including Wicket the Ewok. However, you’ll want to avoid the less popular and potentially offensive Jar Jar to avoid misunderstandings.

Got a male pet? Consider: Lando, Jabba, Jango, Wicket, Yoda, Wedge, Ackbar or Vader. Female names include: Padme, Leia, Mon Mothma, Mara Jade and Juno. Gender-neutral names: R2-D2, TK.

If you’re not pleased with these geeky names, don’t forget to consult other geeky fandoms, such as Indiana from “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” in which the hero’s father reminds him that Indiana was actually the name of the family dog.

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