Facebook Game Review: Fluffy

When you work behind a desk, Facebook seems to be the biggest time killer and a major distraction to your usual workload. However we find days where there is nothing left to do but kill time, so naturally we seek out small forms of entertainment, even if they do not provide us with a whole lot of fun.

I call them time killers, and I seek them out all of the time.

This was basically how I came across a game called Fluffy on Facebook. Normally I quickly do my click roundabouts on CityVille and Farmville, but since Zynga has been a major headache with non-stop glitches, I figured I would go ahead and look for something new.

I played some random Sim game, then I skipped over to some boring marble game, and even found myself trying out word games. Then there it was, Fluffy, game that showed up on the right hand side of the screen as a suggestion. Yippe! It looked fun!

Fluffy is fun, and it managed to become a game that I keep going back to day after day, which is pretty are for me, as most Facebook games fail to keep me present for more than 10 minutes.

Fluffy starts off as a wooden bird nest nailed to a tree, your job is to complete games in order to add new features to your birdhouse.

The game play itself is really simple, you simple match up birds to other birds with similar colors. Its mostly a basic color matching game using the mouse to scroll rows of birds around till 3 birds match in color. Naturally you can create combos for an even higher score.

The game advances rather quickly though at first; as in, you quickly manage to add the first 2 floors of your birdhouse. However once you hit the 2 final attic level rooms, gaining enough XP to have these rooms built becomes tredious and an overkill.Yet, I still find myself meandiering back to the game day after day in order to finally complete these rooms in the house.


It’s not the most popular game on Facebook, but if you are tired of playing the same old games, and begging friends to send you parts to complete missions in Zyngas tedious games, flop on over to Fluffy, the game is actually relaxing, and get this… glitch free!

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