Does Exercise Lower Triglyceride Levels?

A high triglyceride level is a risk factor for heart disease in the same way an elevated cholesterol is. A high triglyceride level is not only unhealthy for your heart, it increases the risk of stroke and pancreatitis, an inflammatory condition of the pancreas. Studies show that even “normal” triglyceride levels of arouind150 mg/dl. are a risk factor for heart disease and that people should aim for levels of 100 mg/dl. or less. If you have an elevated triglyceride level, most doctors recommend altering your diet – but what about exercise and triglycerides?

Does Exercise Lower Triglycerides?

Exercise is effective for lowering triglyceride levels as long as you do it consistently. Triglycerides are simply fats that circulate in the blood bound to particles called lipoproteins that also carry cholesterol. As they circulate, tissues pick up some of these triglycerides to use for energy or store them to use as fuel later.

During moderate-intensity exercise of a longer duration, the body burns mostly fat as fuel, so more triglycerides are broken down during aerobic exercise and used as energy, which reduces the amount in your bloodstream.

To lower triglycerides through exercise, exercise aerobically for at least twenty minutes per session, preferably thirty or more minutes. For the first minutes of exercise, your body burns mostly glycogen, but if you exercise longer, your body switches to burning mostly triglycerides as fuel – if you keep the pace moderate.

Exercise and Triglycerides: Morning Exercise May Be Better

A small study carried out at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, found that exercising first thing in the morning may have more of an impact on triglyceride levels than working out later in the day. Keep your exercise shoes by the bed, and do at least a twenty minute workout as soon as you wake up to get the most triglyceride-lowering benefits.

If you’re a “slow-riser” and can’t face exercise before the noon hour, don’t let it deter you. Consistency is key – and as long as you do it regularly, you should get modest triglyceride-lowering benefits.

Does Exercise Lower Triglycerides: The Bottom Line?

Doing aerobic exercise at a moderate-intensity for at least 20 minutes per session can help you lower your triglyceride level. More good news. It also lowers your risk of heart disease independently of your triglyceride level. If you have an elevated triglyceride level, get out your exercise shoes – and put them to good use.


DOC NEWS January 2006 vol. 3 no. 19

University of Maryland Medical Center. “Study Finds “Normal” Triglyceride Levels are Tricky”

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