Dermoid Ovarian Cysts

Dermoid ovarian cysts fall into the category of complex cysts. A Dermoid ovarian cyst is a cystic teratoma known to contain skin tissue, hair follicles, bones, cartilage, nails, teeth, and other types of human tissue.

While Dermoid cysts in ovaries are relatively common, especially in younger women during the childbearing years, only about 2% are cancerous. The Dermoid ovarian cysts grow from primitive germ cells. These tumors account for approximately 15 to 20% of all ovarian cysts. Approximately one out of three non-cancerous (benign) cysts is a Dermoid cyst. Women have been known to have ovarian dermoid cysts in both of their ovaries.

Typical ovarian cyst symptoms include abnormal bleeding, abdominal pressure and pain, pressure on the rectum or bladder, nausea, vomiting, pain during intercourse, difficulty while urinating, atypical menstrual cycles, and breast sensitivity.

The cysts can range from anywhere between one half to almost eighteen inches in diameter. The earlier the cysts in ovaries are detected, the better. Often they are detected during a woman’s routine pelvic exam or when pain, discomfort, and/or irregularities occur in a woman’s menstrual cycle. The cysts often feel like lumps around the ovaries. Ultrasound imaging is frequently used to diagnose the cysts. The images help to determine the size, shape, and contents of the Dermoid cyst.

The presence of Dermoid cysts during pregnancy is also relatively common. The dilemma faced by the health care provider and patient is whether or not the risk of removal outweighs the risk of allowing the cyst to remain throughout the pregnancy. Generally, if the cyst is greater than 6cm in diameter, the removal is performed during the second trimester via laparotomy or laparoscopy.

If you are experiencing ovarian cyst symptoms and ovarian cyst pain, it is recommended that your health care provider be consulted as early diagnosis and treatment may deter other, more serious complications.

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